Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Counts of seastars and chiton in quadrats and swaths, north-central California coast: Andrew Molean State Park to Manchester State Park from 2005-2014 (CHIPS project) | 2014-10-13 | Final no updates expected |
Counts of Henricia sp. adults and recruits in quadrats, north-central California coast: Andrew Molean State Park to Manchester State Park from 2005-2014 (CHIPS project) | 2015-07-15 | Final no updates expected |
Density of purple sea urchins along the California coast, 37.8 to 39.3 N: Andrew Molean State Park to Manchester State Park from 2005-2014 (CHIPS project) | 2014-12-20 | Final no updates expected |
Comparison of recruitment dynamics in five intertidal marine invertebrates following mass mortality along the northeastern Pacific coastline in 2005 (CHIPS project) | 2015-08-06 | Final no updates expected |
Principal Investigator: Richard K. Grosberg (University of California-Davis)
Co-Principal Investigator: Brian P Gaylord