Award: unknown CMarZ_2004-2010 NOAA OEP

Funding Source: NOAA Ocean Exploration
DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Positions along the ship's track of NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean in 2006 as part of the Census of Marine Life (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2010-11-01Final no updates expected
Depth data along the cruise track from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean from April 2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2010-11-01Final no updates expected
Meteorological and flow-through data along the cruise track from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean from April 2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2010-11-01Final no updates expected
Wind data along the track from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean from April 2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2010-11-01Final no updates expected
Ostracod species from the Sargasso Sea collected on NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown (RHB0603) in April 2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2016-05-06Final no updates expected
Photographs of net collections before any picking from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown (RHB0603) in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean from April 2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2010-11-01Final no updates expected
Traction Winch readings from MOCNESS tows from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean from April 2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2010-11-01Final no updates expected
Zooplankton species identified from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown RHB0603 in the Sargasso Sea and Southeast North Atlantic Ocean from 2006-2006 (CMarZ_2004-2010 project)2013-08-26Final no updates expected