Dataset | Latest Version Date | Current State |
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by USC | 2019-11-04 | Final no updates expected |
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed at LDEO | 2019-11-04 | Final no updates expected |
Seawater Nd isotopes and concentrations from the US-GEOTRACES North Atlantic zonal transect (NAZT), 2010 and 2011 on cruises KN199-04 and KN204-01, analyzed by UHawaii | 2019-11-04 | Final no updates expected |
Principal Investigator: Katharina Pahnke (University of Hawaii)