Award: OCE-1233502

Award Title: GEOTRACES Pacific Section: Surface Sampling with the GeoFish and Dissolved Trace Metals on the Peru to East Pacific Rise Section
Funding Source: NSF Division of Ocean Sciences (NSF OCE)
Program Manager: Henrietta N. Edmonds

Outcomes Report

Our GEOTRACES South Pacific proposal focused on the distribution of a suite of dissolved trace metals along to zonal section between Peru and the East Pacific Rise. We examined the influence of the 1) large greadient in productivity and particle flux, and 2) the intense and extensive oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the eastern tropical Pacific. We determined concentrations of the key trace metals Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb at all stations between Peru and the East Pacific Rise. In addition to the key GEOTRACES trace elements, we also determined dissolved Ni, Co, Ga, Y, and La. Bruland and Geoffrey Smith also continued to provide the US and international communities with GEOTRACES and SAFe reference samples. We also obtained surface samples from the GeoFish surface pumping system at every station and between stations. Geoffrey Smith participated on the research cruise carrying out this sampling. These surface fish samples were collected for our research group and a variety of other GEOTRACES research groups. Claire Parker (now Claire Till), as a Ph.D. graduate student, was one of the GEOTRACES super techs responsible for sampling dissolved trace metals for the vertical profiles. Claire also analyzed the GEOTRACES samples and completed her Ph.D. The data was submitted to the appropriate GEOTRACES data repositories. Claire is now an assistant professor at Humboldt State University. Bruland and Smith have retired. Last Modified: 09/28/2017 Submitted by: Kenneth W Bruland

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NSF Research Results Report


Principal Investigator: Kenneth W. Bruland (University of California-Santa Cruz)