Award: NA16NMF4320058

Funding Source: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Larval Atlantic Bluefin Tuna prey from gut analysis, collected on NOAA Ship R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 and May 2018.2020-12-30Final no updates expected
Phytoplankton and bacteria abundance from flow cytometry from samples collected in the Gulf of Mexico on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in May 2017 and May 2018 2021-01-05Final no updates expected
Fluorometer data (volts) from CTD casts from NOAA Ship R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 and 20182021-01-07Final no updates expected
Pigment data by phytoplankton taxa from CTD casts from NOAA Ship R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 and 20182021-01-07Final no updates expected
Phytoplankton carbon biomass by taxa from NOAA Ship R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico, May 2017 and 20182021-01-07Final no updates expected
Particulate organic matter and isotope data from R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico in May of 2017 and 2018.2021-02-24Final with updates expected
Sediment trap carbon, nitrogen, and isotope, pigment, and 234Th flux from deployments during R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Maine in May of 2017 and 2018.2021-01-14Final no updates expected
Net primary production by H13CO3- uptake from in-situ incubations conducted during R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Maine in May of 2017 and 20182021-01-14Final no updates expected
Nitrate uptake from in-situ incubations conducted during R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico in May of 2017 and 20182021-01-14Final no updates expected
Nitrate uptake from short-term diel deckboard incubations on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico in May of 2017 and 20182021-01-14Final no updates expected
Ammonium uptake from short-term diel deckboard incubations on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico in May of 2017 and 20182021-01-12Final no updates expected
Nitrate uptake from short-term 6-hour deckboard incubations on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico in May of 2017 and 20182021-01-12Final no updates expected
Ammonium uptake from short-term 6-hour deckboard incubations on R/V Nancy Foster cruises NF1704 and NF1802 in the Gulf of Mexico in May of 2017 and 20182021-01-12Final no updates expected