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Award: OCE-1821976
Award Title: Collaborative Research: Development of a novel way for understanding ancient Earth atmospheres and marine sulfate using the stable isotope of Oxygen (17O) in marine barite.
Atmospheric O2 and CO2 levels inform us of the changes in chemical and biological environments, yet the history of atmospheric compositions, and pO2 in particular, is not well-constrained. The triple oxygen isotope (16,17,18O) composition of marine SO2−4 has been proposed to directly record the ratio pO2/pCO2 in the contemporaneous atmosphere. To resolve this atmospheric signal, both a precise measurement of the 17O composition of sulfate (seawater, evaporites, barite) and a model with which to interpret the measurement are needed. In this project we developed a precise measurement procedure of the triple oxygen isotope composition of modern marine sulfate and a novel sulfur cycle model that includes four main fluxes: weathering (Jriv), sulfate reduction (Jreduc) , pyrite burial (Jpy), and reoxidation processes (Jbio, Jox). The atmospheric anomaly passes to ocean sulfate via Jriv. Subsequent microbial and abiotic reactions (Jox, Jbio ) reset the O isotope composition of sulfate. The model deconvolves the potential atmospheric and microbial inputs to this signal allowing assesment of biological activity. Our interpretation of marine sulfate oxygen isotope composition provides a framework for calculating atmospheric composition, relative rates of biogeochemical activity, and can be applied to geologic records of marine sulfate to constrain the pO2/pCO2 ratio over time. Last Modified: 07/31/2020 Submitted by: Adina Paytan