Trawl data from 14 R/V Pandalus cruises to the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 1999-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program
Coastal Gulf of Alaska Trawl Data
1) This file was created to separate surface trawl samples used exclusively from 2001-2004 from gillnet and midwater trawl samples used in prior years. CPUE calculations based on these different gear types may not be directly comparable.
2) Gillnet and midwater trawl catch data from prior years will be reported separately.
3) Gear abbreviations: T = Surface Trawl
4) Gear description: Nordic 264 surface rope trawl (198-m long, 25-m wide, 35-m vertical height, equipped with a 1.2-cm mesh liner in cod end) towed at the surface.
5) Start times for trawls are when all warp wire and doors have been let out, and end times are when warp wire retrival begins.
6) Numbers of fish caught from an event listed in this file may not match the count of number of fish measured in the "Glength_September_2005" file because in some cases the number of fish measured was a subsample of total catch.
7) For cruises G01-3 and G02-2 field identifications of juvenile salmon were inconsistent. Pink, chum, and sockeye, therefore, are all grouped under salmon, unidentified juvenile, as noted in the comment column.
Data Collector/Primary Contact (for more information):
Lewis J. Haldorson
Fisheries Division
University of Alaska, Fairbanks
11120 Glacier Highway
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907-465-6446
FAX: 907-465-6447
Secondary Contact:
Jack Piccolo
11120 Glacier Highway
Juneau, AK 99801
Phone: 907-796-2055
Boldt, J., Haldorson, L., Piccolo, J. (2006) Trawl data from 14 R/V Pandalus cruises to the Coastal Gulf of Alaska from 1999-2004 as part of the U.S. GLOBEC program. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2006-09-20 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. doi:10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.2472.1 [access date]
Terms of Use
This dataset is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.
If you wish to use this dataset, it is highly recommended that you contact the original principal investigators (PI). Should the relevant PI be unavailable, please contact BCO-DMO ( for additional guidance. For general guidance please see the BCO-DMO Terms of Use document.