Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
pigments_EN198.csv (2.38 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | version: February 1, 2002 PI: Dan Repeta of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dataset: Pigment concentrations, water bottle casts project/cruise: NABE/198 ship: R/V Endeavor DMO NOTE OF CAUTION: This dataset was submitted without the supporting geographic and data/time parameters. The Endeavor 198 cruise focused on two NABE sites: 59.5N 20.9W and 62.6N 24.1W (see event log). The DMO is reluctant to assign positional information to this dataset. Therefore, these data are presented here for use by the science community, at their discretion, with the knowledge that this deficiency exists. It should also be understood that the sta_name parameter reported with this data is not the same as station number. The station numbers on this cruise ranged from 2 through 9 whereas the sta_name values range from 3 through 12. | |
pigments_AII-119-5.csv (8.70 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | version: January 14,2003 PI: Dan Repeta of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dataset: HPLC Pigments project/cruise: North Atlantic Bloom Experiment/119, legs 4-5, April-June, 1989 ship: R/V Atlantis II | |
pigments_AII-119-4.csv (10.27 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | version: January 14,2003 PI: Dan Repeta of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dataset: HPLC Pigments project/cruise: North Atlantic Bloom Experiment/119, legs 4-5, April-June, 1989 ship: R/V Atlantis II |
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: version: February 1, 2002 PI: Dan Repeta of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dataset: Pigment concentrations, water bottle casts project/cruise: NABE/198 ship: R/V Endeavor DMO NOTE OF CAUTION: This dataset was submitted without the supporting geographic and data/time parameters. The Endeavor 198 cruise focused on two NABE sites: 59.5N 20.9W and 62.6N 24.1W (see event log). The DMO is reluctant to assign positional information to this dataset. Therefore, these data are presented here for use by the science community, at their discretion, with the knowledge that this deficiency exists. It should also be understood that the sta_name parameter reported with this data is not the same as station number. The station numbers on this cruise ranged from 2 through 9 whereas the sta_name values range from 3 through 12.
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: version: January 14,2003 PI: Dan Repeta of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dataset: HPLC Pigments project/cruise: North Atlantic Bloom Experiment/119, legs 4-5, April-June, 1989 ship: R/V Atlantis II
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: version: January 14,2003 PI: Dan Repeta of: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution dataset: HPLC Pigments project/cruise: North Atlantic Bloom Experiment/119, legs 4-5, April-June, 1989 ship: R/V Atlantis II