SOIREE Sediment Trap - Deployments
SOIREE traps - logistics
(Nodder, Charette, Waite, Trull)
Note this T1, T0 for Sediment Traps
Day T1 = 0000 h NZST 10/02/99 + 24 hours to 0000 h NZST 11/02/99
with the nominal start of SOIREE (T0) at 0000 h NZST 10/02/99;
NZST = UTC + 12 hours
MULTI-trap dimensions:
Length (L, m): 0.58 Trap length with baffles inserted
L without baffles: 0.525 m
AR without baffles: 7.50
Trap volume without baffles: 2.021 litres
Inside diameter (Di, m): 0.07
Outside diameter (Do, m): 0.08
Aspect ratio (AR): 8.29
Aspect ratio with salt (AR): 7.29 Basal brine added to a height of 1-trap diameter (7 cm)
Collection area (A, m2): 0.00385
Trap volume (V, m3): 0.00223
Trap volume (V, litres): 2.232
Baffle length (Lb, m): 0.08
Baffle diameter (Dib, m): 0.01
Baffle aspect ratio (ARb): 5.77
Note: traps were deployed with a 1-D high density brine solution
(excess 50 ppt NaCl) which would alter trap AR
Flux calculations:
Flux (mg/m2/d) = Wt sample/(trap collection area x days deployed)
Wt sample = Wtfiltered - Wtblank
Free-floating arrays of baffled, cylindrical MULTI-sediment traps.
Twelve traps deployed on each cross-frame, 9 back-filled with a 1-trap diameter thick (7 cm), 50ppt excess NaCl basal brine (50 g NaCl/l) and 3
with polyacrylimide gels mounted on base
For all deployments and all depths:
traps 1-3 = gel samples (Anya Waite)
traps 4-6 = POC/PN/13Corg or mass/PSi (Scott Nodder, Tom Trull)
traps 7-9 = phytopigments (Scott Nodder)
For all deployments and 100 m only: traps 10-12 = Th samples (Matt Charette)
For all deployments and 300 m only: traps 10-12 = POC/PN samples (Scott Nodder)
Refer to Nodder & Waite in DSRII
Nodder, S., Trull, T. W., Charette, M. A., Waite, A. (2008) Sediment trap deployment summary from R/V Tangaroa cruise 61TG_3052 in the Southern Ocean in 1999 (SOIREE project). Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 20August2008 ) Version Date 2008-08-20 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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