Dataset: CTD cast profile data from R/V Endeavor cruise EN416 from the Mediterranean Sea (MedFlux project)

Final no updates expectedVersion 12 February 2007 (2007-02-12)Dataset Type:Unknown

Principal Investigator: Cindy Lee (Stony Brook University)

Data Manager, BCO-DMO Data Manager: Cynthia L. Chandler (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Program: Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB)

Project: MedFlux collaborative research project (MedFlux)

CTD profile data including: pressure, temperature, salinity, potential temperature, density, dissolved oxygen, beam attenuation, transmissometry, fluorometric chlorophyll a, sound velocity and PAR

Change history: YYMMDD
    060724: original CTD data files via email from Joan Fabres (SUNY SB); 
    070213: data prepared by Terry McKee (PO Dept., WHOI) 
            and added to database by Cyndy Chandler, OCB DMO
    sta  1: First cast of EN416, water for traps
    sta  3: First FGP Pressure cast of EN416, First day of cruise.
    sta 12: morning FGP cast 
 DMO Notes: Data were recovered from Seabird-processed .asc data files and are
    reported as 0.5 dbar pressure sorted profiles. CTD sensors corrected using 
    pre-cruise calibrations; only preliminary comparison has been done with 
    in-situ data, e.g. no post-cruise calibration work has been done. Station 19 
    data is from the uptrace portion of the cast.  Use with caution.

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