Phytoplankton spectral absorption coefficient (ap) from surface samples collected on Whatman, 2.5cm glass fiber filters (GFF). Samples were collected during Geotraces 2010 (kn199-04).
The following metadata was extracted from the header information from each file. Where necessary the information was incorporated into BCO-DMO metadata fields or retained in file (* and X represent file-specific values):
/investigators=Aimee_Neeley Joaquin_Chaves
!Samples were collected in duplicate using a peristaltic pump at the surface. Samples were collected in conjunction with AOP package deployments
!Duplicate samples are being reported here (rep numbers are in the field name)
!Samples were filtered under vacuum (~5-7psi) onto combusted GF/F filters
!See SeaBass_NDFilter.pdf for explanation of fields
!See F06_log.csv for metadata