Axial Seamount 2015 ROV sample metadata for TN327.
Fluid samples for water and gas chemistry were collected from the ROV Jason with titanium major samplers manufactured at WHOI, with UCSB-type titanium gas-tight samplers designed and manufactured by John Lupton and Conrad Young, and with the Hydrothermal Fluid and Particle Sampler (HFPS) designed by David Butterfield and manufactured at NOAA-PMEL. A subset of HFPS samples were filtered in-situ through acid-washed 0.4 micron polycarbonate membrane filters during sampling. In-situ filters with RNA preservative were collected with the HFPS. Samples for water chemistry are in custody of D. Butterfield. Extracted gas samples are in custody of J. Lupton and M. Lilley. RNA/DNA samples are in custody of J. Huber.
Samples collected in 2015 are registered with SESAR/IEDA, with IGSN numbers starting with EOI00003L.
All sample metadata have been publicly available through the SESAR web site:
The same metadata is publicly available through the cruise report on the PMEL web site:
IGSN sample registration:
Use advanced search for cruise name TN327 to bring up all registered samples.
Sample collection methods are described in (Butterfield et al., 2004) & (Butterfield et al., 2011)
Butterfield, D. A., Holden, J. (2018) Description of ROV samples collected from the Axial Seamount on the Juan de Fuca Ridge on R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN327 in August 2015.. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2018-03-01 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. [access date]
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