Dataset: Data package from a drifting in situ chamber (DISC) including larval tracking images and environmental data from deployments in Southwater Caye, Belize between June and August of 2016

Preliminary and in progressVersion 1 (2018-06-25)Dataset Type:Other Field Results

Principal Investigator, Contact: Claire B. Paris-Limouzy (University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Amber D. York (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Collaborative Research: The Role of Larval Orientation Behavior in Determining Population Connectivity (Elacatinus Dispersal II)


These data were collected with a drifting in situ chamber (DISC). The DISC instrument was developed by Claire Paris at the Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (RSMAS) of the University of Miami to observe the movement behavior and orientation of pelagic larvae at sea. The DISC version used for this project was equipped with a 8-inch diameter behavioral chamber, a video camera looking up into the chamber, 3 analog and one digital compass, and environmental sensors for temperatur...

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Data package files (179 deployment folders):
Only deployments where larvae can be tracked are included in these files.  Not all deployments could be successfully analyzed because the larva was either not visible or did not survive the deployment.  If you have issues downloading these compressed tar files, please contact

DISC_deployments_part1.tar.gz (26GB)  discA deployments 45 to 137
DISC_deployments_part2.tar.gz (29GB)  discA deployments 141 to 181
DISC_deployments_part3.tar.gz (24GB)  discA deployments 183 to 258
DISC_deployments_part4.tar.gz (28GB)  discA deployments 268 to 362
DISC_deployments_part5.tar.gz (33GB)  discB deployments 46 to 147
DISC_deployments_part6.tar.gz -(31GB) discB deployments 149 to 212
DISC_deployments_part7.tar.gz - (29GB) discB deployments 214 to 286
DISC_deployments_part8.tar.gz - (27GB) discB deployments 288 to 363

Data package structure:

Each folder corresponds to the deployment of a single larva. In other words, each set of data in a deployment folder corresponds to the environment of the larva that was deployed at that time. The data from a single folder were synchronized to match the time stamp of the larval images. 

Please refer to the file DISC_files_README.txt (also available as Microsoft Office format DISC_files_README.docx) for documentation of the files within the data package structure.

Related Datasets (data collection during same DISC deployments):
* DISC: Temperature and Light
* DISC: Depth, Temperature, and Salinity
* DISC: Deployment, environmental, and larval behavior information 

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