Dataset: Dissolved Organic Nitrogen oxidation collected on cruise SAV 17-16 in the South Atlantic Bight aboard the R/V Savannah from 2011 to 2017

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.1575/1912/bco-dmo.767048.1Version 1 (2019-05-08)Dataset Type:Cruise Results

Principal Investigator: James T. Hollibaugh (University of Georgia)

Co-Principal Investigator: Brian N. Popp (University of Hawai'i)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Mathew Biddle (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Collaborative Research: Direct Oxidation of Organic Nitrogen by Marine Ammonia Oxidizing Organisms (DON Oxidation)


This dataset contains the results of analyses related to ammonia oxidation rates, including oxidation rates of 15N supplied as ammonia, urea, 1,2 diamino ethane, 1,3 diamino propane, 1,4 diamino butane (putrescine), arginine and glutamate. Ancillary data including nutrient concentrations and the abundance of ammonia- and nitrite-oxidizing microorganisms are also reported. The samples analyzed to produce the dataset were collected off the coast of Georgia, USA. Most data were collected on one cru...

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Samples were collected from four regions (inshore, midshelf, shelf-break, and oceanic) of the SAB off the Georgia (U.S.A.) coast (Fig. 1; Supporting Information Table S1), with terminology modified from Liu et al. (2018) as follows. Inshorestations were within the barrier island complex. Mid-shelfstations were outside the barrier island complex to depths < 40 m; due to limited sampling in this zone, no demarcation between mid-shelfand nearshorestations (as in Liu et al. 2018) was made. Shelf-breakstations were between 40 m and 500 m depth. While Liu et al. (2018) did not sample waters past the shelf-break, we included deeper stations further offshore (bottom depth > 500 m), which are designated oceanicstations. Note that the maximum depth sampled was ≤ 500 m due to equipment limitations. 

Inshore samples were collected from a dock at Marsh Landing on the Duplin River (Sapelo Island) and the dock at the Skidaway Institute of Oceanography (Fig. 1). Both inshore sites are salt marsh-dominated estuaries. Water from both sites was sampled from a depth ≤ 1 m and was processed immediately at a nearby laboratory (the University of Georgia Marine Institute on Sapelo Island or onboard the R/V Savannah). Water quality data for Marsh Landing samples were collected as part of the Sapelo Island National Estuarine Research Reserve monitoring program. Relevant data from the Lower Duplin (LD) sonde were downloaded from NOAA/CDMO (http://cdmo., last accessed 22 May 2018). 

Most SAB samples were collected in August 2017 on the R/V Savannah (cruise SAV-17-16) along transects across the continental shelf and the Gulf Stream and into the western Sargasso Sea, with sampling focused around the shelf-break (Fig. 1). Water from multiple depths was collected using 12-liter Niskin bottles mounted on a rosette equipped with a Sea-Bird SBE25 CTD. Profiles of salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, fluorescence, and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) were collected using the CTD system as described previously (Liu et al. 2018). PAR attenuation (Kd) was calculated from plots of ln(PAR) vs. depth as in Liu et al. (2018).  Two additional SAB stations were sampled in October 2011 (described previously by Liu et al. 2015 and Tolar et al. 2017) and are referred to as 2011-4and 2011-12(Fig. 1). Environmental data and some of the microbial and rate data from 2011 stations are available in other publications (Liu et al. 2015; Tolar et al. 2017; see BCO-DMO dataset qPCR_Parameters at 

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