Dataset: Goby histological inventory from an anatomical analysis of the development of the olfactory and gustatory system in the gobies, E. lori and E. colini conducted betwen 2011 and 2016

Data not availableVersion 1 (2019-10-29)Dataset Type:experimental

Principal Investigator: Jacqueline Webb (University of Rhode Island)

Co-Principal Investigator: Jelle Atema (Boston University)

Co-Principal Investigator: Peter Buston (Boston University)

Co-Principal Investigator: Claire B. Paris-Limouzy (University of Miami Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Amber D. York (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Collaborative Research: The Role of Larval Orientation Behavior in Determining Population Connectivity (Elacatinus Dispersal II)

Goby histological inventory from an anatomical analysis of the development of the olfactory system (nose) and gustatory system (taste buds) in the gobies Elacatinus lori and Elacatinus colini.  Collections and experiements took place between 2011 and 2016.  Gobies were collected from reef habitats at the South Water Caye Marine Reserve and Carrie Bow Caye, Belize and reared at Boston University.

Related datasets:
* Goby nose data:
* Goby taste bud data:

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Hu, Y., Majoris, J. E., Buston, P. M., & Webb, J. F. (2018). Potential roles of smell and taste in the orientation behaviour of coral-reef fish larvae: insights from morphology. Journal of Fish Biology, 95(1), 311–323. doi:10.1111/jfb.13793