Dataset: OysterFutures larval transport model code, input files, output files, resulting connectivity matrices, and LTRANS User’s Guide

Preliminary and in progressVersion 1 (2020-04-08)Dataset Type:model results

Principal Investigator: Elizabeth North (University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Coastal SEES Collaborative Research: Oyster fisheries in the Chesapeake Bay: Integrating stakeholder objectives with natural system models to promote sustainable policy (Chesapeake Bay Oyster Fisheries)


This dataset contains the OysterFutures larval transport model code, input files, output files, resulting connectivity matrices, and LTRANS User’s Guide which provides extensive information about model structure and input/output files and variables.

This dataset contains the OysterFutures larval transport model code, input files, output files, resulting connectivity matrices, and LTRANS User’s Guide which provides extensive information about model structure and input/output files and variables. These files are available below as a large .zip file (6.62 GB).

Each folder in this data set contains a complete model run with code, input, and output files. Folder names correspond to release number (R1-R5, each with a different particle release date) and release replicate number (1-5, each with a different seed value for the random number generators). Please see the LTRANS User’s Guide for parameter descriptions.

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Schlag, Z. R., and E. W. North. 2012. Lagrangian TRANSport model (LTRANS v.2) User’s Guide. University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science, Horn Point Laboratory. Cambridge, MD. 183 pp. (1.7 MB .pdf)