Dataset: Concentrations of total dissolved trace metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd) obtained using seaFAST preconcentration and ICP-MS from the R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1128 in the Central Pacific Ocean in October 2011

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.836347.2Version 2 (2021-07-09)Dataset Type:Cruise Results

Principal Investigator: Mak A. Saito (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Co-Principal Investigator: Natalie Cohen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)


Project: Connecting Trace Elements and Metalloenzymes Across Marine Biogeochemical Gradients (GPc03) (MetZyme)


Concentrations of total dissolved trace metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Ni, Cd) obtained using seaFAST preconcentration and ICP-MS from the R/V Kilo Moana cruise KM1128.

Seawater sampling occurred during October 1-25 2011 onboard the R/V Kilo Moana during the METZYME expedition (Saito et al., 2014). Seawater samples for trace metal analyses were collected using a trace metal clean rosette consisting of X-Niskins on a trace metal clean (Amsteel) winch line. Following seawater collection, X-Niskins were brought into a fabricated shipboard class-100 clean room and pressurized with filtered high purity nitrogen gas. Seawater was filtered through 47mm 0.2 µm Supor membranes to remove the particulate fraction.

METZYME seawater was acidified to pH 1.8 using hydrochloric acid (Optima grade, Fisher Chemical). Seawater preconcentration was performed using an automated solid phase extraction system, seaFAST pico, run in offline concentration mode.  Following offline seaFAST preconcentration, the multi-element quantitative analysis was performed using an iCAP Q inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) (Thermo Scientific). Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn Ni and Cd were determined using a six-point external standard curve with a multi-element standard (SPEX CertiPrep), diluted to range from 1-10 ppb in 5% nitric acid. Indium standards (SPEX CertiPrep) were similarly added to these standard stocks, diluted to 1, 2, 3, 4 and 10ppb. Instrument injection blanks consisted of 5% nitric acid in Milli-Q. Standard curve R² values were ≥0.98 for the metals monitored.

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Saito, M. A., McIlvin, M. R., Moran, D. M., Goepfert, T. J., DiTullio, G. R., Post, A. F., & Lamborg, C. H. (2014). Multiple nutrient stresses at intersecting Pacific Ocean biomes detected by protein biomarkers. Science, 345(6201), 1173–1177.