Dataset: Upper Ocean Box Model which solves for the time change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) in single upper ocean box

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.840371.1Version 1 (2021-02-16)Dataset Type:model results

Principal Investigator, Contact: Galen A. McKinley (Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Amber D. York (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Program: Ocean Carbon and Biogeochemistry (OCB)

Project: Collaborative Research: Uncertainty in Predictions of 21st Century Ocean Biogeochemical Change (ESM Uncertainty)


The box model solves for the time change of Dissolved Inorganic Carbon (DIC) in single upper ocean box. The upper ocean box model is forced by observed atmospheric pCO2 and temperature. It calculates the pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux.

The upper ocean box model is forced by observed atmospheric pCO2 and temperature. It calculates the pCO2 and air-sea CO2 flux. The model runs 1960-2017 (Dec 2017) . If linear atmospheric boundary condition is selected, this is applied only 1980-2017. The output that is the focus of the plotting is 1980-2017. For complete documentation, including the equation being solved, see section  2.5 of McKinley et al. (2020). 
The zip file contains code and documentation for the Upper Ocean Box Model along with information about how to make modifications to do sensitivity tests.  See "Data Files" for access to
Files included in the zip file
2 main files
3 helper routines
1 data file for atmospheric pCO2
"README for Upper ocean diagnostic box model.rtf" (McKinley et al. 2020). Text reproduced below with additional information about data sources.

In Matlab2017a.

Coding and documentation by Galen A. McKinley, Columbia University / Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory.

DESCRIPTION from "README for Upper ocean diagnostic box model.rtf"
In Ocean_Atm_Carbon_Box_McKinley2020.m
Atmospheric pCO2 boundary conditions are loaded, and the linear forcing, as a change from change from Jan 1980 to Dec 2017 is calculated. 
The magnitude and duration of El Chichon and Mt Pinatubo volcano temperature anomalies are set and plotted.  
The model equation is integrated, including carbon chemistry at each timestep. 
In plot_boxmodel_McKinley2020.m, set key input variables:
  On lines 28-33, set model temperature, overturning, depth of box, piston velocity (kw), deep abiotic DIC concentration, Alkalinity. 
  On line 37 set real or linear atmospheric pCO2 (do_linear_pco2 = 0, 1, respectively).
  On line 38, set volcano forcing of SST or not (vary_temp = 1, 0, respectively). 
In plot_boxmodel_McKinley2020.m, set years to plot and to save on lines 44-45.
In plot_boxmodel_McKinley2020.m, line 50, set to save out *mat files (tosave=1), into an existing directory. 
In plot_boxmodel_McKinley2020.m, plot results starting on line 90. Save results starting on line 164.
List variables hard coded in Ocean_Atm_Carbon_Box_McKinley2020.m
% A                 % ocean Area
% rho   % density (kg/m3), default is 1027
% timestep   % choose 1/12 for monthly
Input variables for each run of Ocean_Atm_Carbon_Box_McKinley2020.m
do_linear_pco2atm=0; % if = 1, will replace NOAA ESRL global pCO2atm with linear change from 1980-2018 
vary_temp=1; % if = 1, volcano imposed, mean T set by Temp; details in Ocean_Atm_Carbon_Box_McKinley2020.m
             % if = 0, TempC throughout
% TempC            % Temperature, set for box (C)
% nu_in            % rate of ocean overturning (m3/yr)
% dz               % Box depth (m)
% kw_in            % piston velocity, cm/hr input
% deepDIC          % deep ocean DIC 
% ALK              % Alkalinity, global constant, mmol/m3
pCO2_atm (uatm) is read in from file adjusted_atmpco2_fromML_v4.mat (Mean adjusted in  years 1959-1979 to merge from Mauna Loa only prior to 1980 to global after. Water vapor correction has been applied using global SST to find uatm.)    Mauna Loa xCO2 data came from  from 1959-1979, and then ESRL global marine boundary layer  . From annual mean, we interpolate back to monthly to create a smoothly evolving timeseries that is deseasonalized. The slight adjutment is to bring the mean of Mauna Loa and the global MBL into agreement at the 1979-1980 transition. 
There is additional detail on the data processing to derive pCO2 from NOAA xCO2 in supplementary of McKinley, G. A., Fay, A. R., Eddebbar, Y. A., Gloege, L. and Lovenduski, N. S.: External Forcing Explains Recent Decadal Variability of the Ocean Carbon Sink, AGU Advances, 1(2), 1, doi:10.1029/2019AV000149, 2020.  

adjusted_atmpco2_fromML_v3.mat contains variables:

  adjusted_atmpco2_1959_2018             60x1               480  double              
  atm_pco2_wvcorr_global_AW             468x1              3744  double              
  atm_pco2_wvcorr_global_AW_annual       39x1               312  double              
  time_year                              40x1               320  double

Output from Ocean_Atm_Carbon_Box_McKinley2020.m
pco2_ocean % Global mean Ocean pCO2 (uatm)
pco2atm   % Global mean atmospheric pCO2 (uatm)
trend_pco2atm  % atmospheric pCO2 trend for 1980 to 2017 (uatm/yr)
flux % air-sea CO2 flux (PgC/yr)
time % time of simulation 
dt % timestep (fraction of year)
If plot_boxmodel_McKinley2020.m, these variables can be set there. Plotting of output is automated. 
% TempC            % Temperature, set for box (C)
% NU_IN            % rate of ocean overturning (m3/yr)
% dz               % Box depth (m)
% kw_in            % piston velocity, cm/hr input
% deepDIC          % deep ocean DIC 
% ALK              % Alkalinity, global constant, mmol/m3

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Tans, P., Keeling, R. Trends in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Available from

Related Publications


McKinley, G. A., Fay, A. R., Eddebbar, Y. A., Gloege, L., & Lovenduski, N. S. (2020). External Forcing Explains Recent Decadal Variability of the Ocean Carbon Sink. AGU Advances, 1(2). doi:10.1029/2019av000149
Different Version

McKinley, G. (2020). Upper Open Carbon Box Model, McKinley et al. 2020, AGU Advances</i>. figshare.

MathWorks (2017), MATLAB version R2017a (9.2) Documentation, The Mathworks, Inc. Retrieved November 13, 2020 from