The data in each year are grouped by Location, Filter size, and measured parameters for each size fraction, as well as the measured dissolved parameters:
Location: state, site name and sub-location (in many instances these are sites with high (HOC) and low (LOC) organic carbon sediments), sampling month and sampling time in terms of tide (HT = high tide, LT = low tide, FL = falling and RS = rising tide; if more than one sample at a tide was collected, this is indicated, e.g. HT1, HT2), latitude and longitude
Filter size: Filtering protocols were not exactly identical between years. In 2015, samples were sequentially filtered so particulate samples are >20 µm (large fraction) and 0.2-20 µm (small fraction). In 2016, water was sampled through filters independently so samples are >2 µm (bulk) and <20 µm (small fraction). For each filter, the following parameters were measured and are recorded: total suspended solids (TSS, mg/L), chlorophyll a (Chl a, µg/L) and phaeopigment (Pha, µg/L), particulate total Hg (part. HgT, pmol/g) and particulate methylmercury (part. MeHg, pmol/g).
Dissolved parameters: For each location, a filtered sample was analyzed for: dissolved total mercury (diss. HgT, pM), dissolved methylmercury (diss. MeHg, pM), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC, µM). Salinity and temperature (degrees C) were also recorded for each sample.