This dataset included temperature/light data collected using Onset HOBO Pendant data loggers at two sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019. The two sites were West Beach in Beverly (N 42.55921, W 70.80578) and Curlew Beach in Nahant (N 42.42009, W 70.91553).
We deployed three Onset HOBO Pendant® Waterproof Temperature/Light Data Loggers in both the shallow and deep zone at each site. The two sites were West Beach in Beverly (N 42.55921, W 70.80578) and Curlew Beach in Nahant (N 42.42009, W 70.91553). The shallow and deep zones were defined as being along the respective edges of the eelgrass beds. The exact depths of the zones varied from bed to bed.
Each logger was changed once over the course of the dataset. Loggers were deployed on May 14 and swapped out on June 26 at Curlew Beach and deployed on May 15 and swapped out on June 27 at West Beach.
Hughes, A. R. (2021) Temperature/light data collected using Onset HOBO Pendant data loggers at two sites in Massachusetts, USA in 2019. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2021-04-01 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.846963.1 [access date]
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