This dataset comprises results of respirometry experiments conducted at sea using pelagic crustaceans, cephalopods, and fish collected on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S from January to February 2017. Experimental animals were collected using either a modified tucker trawl or MOCNESS.
This dataset comprises results of respirometry experiments conducted at sea. Experimental animals were collected using either a modified tucker trawl or MOCNESS. Metabolic rates and critical oxygen pressures were measured using published methods (Birk et al., 2018; 2019; Wishner et al., 2018; Seibel et al., 2021). Briefly, individual specimens were placed in darkened sealed chambers filled with 0.2 μm filtered seawater that had been treated with antibiotics (25 mg/L each of streptomycin and actinomycin) to minimize bacterial respiration. The ratio of chamber size to body mass was approximately 1:20. Oxygen content was continuously monitored using Pyroscience Firesting or Presens oxygen meters and fiber optic probes with oxygen-sensitive fluorescent spots. Oxygen meters were calibrated with air-saturated seawater and concentrated Na2SO3 solution (PO2 = 0). Chamber water was mixed with magnetic stirrers (Cole-Parmer Immersible Stirrer EW-04636-50) to ensure homogenous oxygen levels throughout the chamber. Oxygen consumption rates (MO2) were calculated from the slope of PO2 over time. Only linear regressions with an R2 > 0.8 were included. The median MO2 value from non-hypoxic oxygen levels was calculated for each individual. The Pcrit for each individual was calculated using three metrics, including the traditional "breakpoint" method, the "sub-prediction interval (sub-PI)" and the alpha-method.
Seibel, B., Roman, C., Wishner, K. (2021) Respirometry data for pelagic crustaceans, cephalopods, and fish collected on R/V Sikuliaq cruise SKQ201701S from January to February 2017. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2021-07-22 [if applicable, indicate subset used]. doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.855732.1 [access date]
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