Dataset: A long-term series of species occupying fixed points on the middle intertidal (mussel-dominated) zone of a rocky intertidal shoreline, for use in studying species replacement patterns through time

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.873599.1Version 1 (2022-07-11)Dataset Type:Other Field Results

Principal Investigator: Timothy Wootton (University of Chicago)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Shannon Rauch (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: The Role of Regenerated Nitrogen for Rocky Shore Productivity (Regenerated Nitrogen)

Project: Effects of Demography and Genetics on Extinction in Small Populations: Experiments with an Exploited Kelp (Experiments with an Exploited Kelp)

Project: Field Parameterization and Experimental Tests of the Neutral Theory of Biodiversity (Neutral Theory of Biodiversity)

Project: LTREB: Ecological Dynamics in an Experimentally-Tractable Natural Ecosystems (LTREB Ecological Dynamics)


This dataset comprises a long-term series of species occupying fixed points on the middle intertidal (mussel-dominated) zone of a rocky intertidal shoreline. Data are relevant to studies of species replacement patterns through time.

Acknowledgement of the Makah Tribal Council for permission to allow these data to be collected on their lands should be made where possible when the data are an essential part of the publication.

These data series are being actively extended and analyzed by the data provider, and interested investigators may wish to contact the data provider regarding these data, the ecological context under which these data were collected, whether planned use of these data represents redundant efforts, and any details of the data collection process the data provider may have inadvertently neglected to include here. As a rule of thumb for any data made publicly available, including these, investigators intending to use these data for publication should consider the considerable effort made to gather and organize them, and whether publication would reasonably be possible without including these data. If not, then it may be appropriate to explore involving the author in the publication process.

In addition to the NSF awards cited under "Funding" below, these data were funded through awards from the Andrew Mellon Foundation, the University of Chicago, and Olympic Natural Resource Center.

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Wootton, T. (2022) A long-term series of species occupying fixed points on the middle intertidal (mussel-dominated) zone of a rocky intertidal shoreline, for use in studying species replacement patterns through time. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2022-07-11 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.875177.1

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