Hydrographic data was collected during the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruise (NBP1801) from December 31st, 2017 to March 3rd, 2018. Samples were collected by trace metal rosette (TMR) using the Saito laboratory 8L X-Niskin bottles. Bottles were brought into a clean van, pressurized with high-purity nitrogen gas and filtered through 0.2 micron 142mm Supor membrane filters. Nutrient samples were filled in acid-washed 60mL HDPE bottles and frozen until analysis.
Nutrient analyses were conducted by Joe Jennings at Oregon State University using a nutrient autoanalyzer following the methods of Noble et al. (2012). Technicon AutoAnalyzer II components were used to measure phosphate and ammonium. Alpkem rapid flow analyzer (RFA) 300 components were used to measure silicic acid, nitrate+nitrite, and nitrite.
For quality control (QC) notes, please see the document "Quality Control notes for NBP1801 nutrients" in the Supplemental Files section.
NOTE: The PAR sensor was not present on the first leg of the cruise, so PAR values were not measured until Station 35.