Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
---|---|---|---| (471.22 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for open ocean Synechococcus strain WH8102. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website However, since the aligment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: WH8102: Syn_8102_2.Rdata (contains the targets file) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages. | | (359.05 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for Prochlorococcus strain MIT9312. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website However, since the aligment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: MIT9312: Pro_9312._y_targets_2.Rdata ( contains the targets file) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages. | | (661.37 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for coastal Synechococcus strain CC9311. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website However, since the alignment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: CC9311: Syn_9311.Rdata (contains the targets file) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages. | | (3.21 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for the “helper” bacterium Alteromonas. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. Also, in the Alteromonas_analysis folder we provided a file containing a list of KEGG ORTHOLOGY (KO) identifiers for Altermonas EZ55 genes, which is necessary for the gene set testing analysis for this organism because it does not have a KEGG code. This file was obtained from the KAAS - KEGG Automatic Annotation Server website ( For the picocyanobacteria organisms KEGG codes are available and can be found in the scripts. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website For Alteromonas we provided updated .fasta and annotation (.GTF) files in the Altermonas_analysis folder. However, since the aligment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: Alteromonas: ALL_EZ55_2.Rdata (count table) and targets.xlsx (metadata) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages. | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
SraRunTable_PRJNA377729.csv (45.60 KB) | Comma Separated Values (.csv) | SRA accessions and related collection and treatment information extracted from NCBI's SRA Run Selector. This includes all SRA runs and related BioSamples for BioProject PRJNA377729 ( | | (117.05 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | The transcriptome analysis output containing the supplemental tables S1 through S14 described in the main text and the supplemental information (Barreto Filho et al., 2022). Each is a flat-format spreadsheet. Column headings are: Table S1-S4: species: which species each gene came from symbol: locus tag of the indicated gene product: annotation of the indicated gene logFC: log fold change of the gene between tested conditions PValue: statistical test of the significance of the difference between treatment groups Table S5-S8: partner: which organism EZ55 was partnered with, or "general" for the average co-culture response treatment: pCO2 treatment level symbol: locus tag of the indicated gene product: annotation of the indicated gene logFC: log fold change of the gene between tested conditions logFC_rel_axenic: log fold change of the gene between the indicated condition and axenic EZ55 PValue: statistical test of the significance of the difference between treatment groups Table S9-S14: symbol: locus tag of the indicated gene product: annotation of the indicated gene logFC: log fold change of the gene between tested conditions PValue: statistical test of the significance of the difference between treatment groups |
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for open ocean Synechococcus strain WH8102. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website However, since the aligment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: WH8102: Syn_8102_2.Rdata (contains the targets file) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for Prochlorococcus strain MIT9312. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website However, since the aligment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: MIT9312: Pro_9312._y_targets_2.Rdata ( contains the targets file) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for coastal Synechococcus strain CC9311. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website However, since the alignment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: CC9311: Syn_9311.Rdata (contains the targets file) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages.
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: This .zip package contains files and code necessary to replicate our transcriptome analysis for the “helper” bacterium Alteromonas. This includes scripts for performing the alignment and counting (fastq_to_counts), RNA-seq pre processing and differential expression analysis (dge_analysis), and gene set testing analysis (Over-representation,ORA, and gene set enrichment analysis, GSEA) in R using the package "Rsubread". All scripts are provided as .txt files. Additionally, we also have created and made available annotation packages (.db files) for each organism, which are necessary for annotating genes to proteins. Also, in the Alteromonas_analysis folder we provided a file containing a list of KEGG ORTHOLOGY (KO) identifiers for Altermonas EZ55 genes, which is necessary for the gene set testing analysis for this organism because it does not have a KEGG code. This file was obtained from the KAAS - KEGG Automatic Annotation Server website ( For the picocyanobacteria organisms KEGG codes are available and can be found in the scripts. All of our sequences files are accessible from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (BioProject PRJNA377729, Sequence Read Archive accession numbers SRX2619948-SRX2619957, SRX3033334-SRX3033345, and SRX14411251-SRX14411274). For the picocyanobaceria, reference genomes (.fasta) and annotation (.GFF3) files can be obtained from the Ensemble bacteria website For Alteromonas we provided updated .fasta and annotation (.GTF) files in the Altermonas_analysis folder. However, since the aligment steps require larger computer power usually being performed on servers inside a linux environment, we also provide our table of counts and metadata (targets) to allow the replication our differential gene expression analysis and gene set testing analysis using average laptops and Rstudio: Alteromonas: ALL_EZ55_2.Rdata (count table) and targets.xlsx (metadata) See the "Acquisition Description" section for further details about all the transcriptome analyses files and packages.
Supplemental Files
Type: Comma Separated Values (.csv)
Description: SRA accessions and related collection and treatment information extracted from NCBI's SRA Run Selector. This includes all SRA runs and related BioSamples for BioProject PRJNA377729 (
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: The transcriptome analysis output containing the supplemental tables S1 through S14 described in the main text and the supplemental information (Barreto Filho et al., 2022). Each is a flat-format spreadsheet. Column headings are: Table S1-S4: species: which species each gene came from symbol: locus tag of the indicated gene product: annotation of the indicated gene logFC: log fold change of the gene between tested conditions PValue: statistical test of the significance of the difference between treatment groups Table S5-S8: partner: which organism EZ55 was partnered with, or "general" for the average co-culture response treatment: pCO2 treatment level symbol: locus tag of the indicated gene product: annotation of the indicated gene logFC: log fold change of the gene between tested conditions logFC_rel_axenic: log fold change of the gene between the indicated condition and axenic EZ55 PValue: statistical test of the significance of the difference between treatment groups Table S9-S14: symbol: locus tag of the indicated gene product: annotation of the indicated gene logFC: log fold change of the gene between tested conditions PValue: statistical test of the significance of the difference between treatment groups