Dataset: Water quality of experiment measuring phenotypic responses of Eastern oyster in response to variable length OA exposure conducted in summer 2017 with oysters sampled in Plum Island.

Data not availableVersion 1 (2023-01-19)Dataset Type:experimental

Principal Investigator: Katie Lotterhos (Northeastern University)

Principal Investigator: Justin B. Ries (Northeastern University)

Scientist: Louise Cameron (Northeastern University)

Scientist: Alan Downey-Wall (Northeastern University)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Karen Soenen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Collaborative Research: Does ocean acidification induce a methylation response that affects the fitness of the next generation in oysters? (Epigenetics to Ocean)


These data water quality readings for oysters exposed to ocean acidification at multiple timepoints over an 80 day period. The experiment was conducted in the summer of 2017 at the Northeastern University's Marine Science Center. The data was collected as part of a larger study aimed at assessing the molecular response of adult Eastern oyster (C. virginica) to OA exposure over time. Specifically, the aim of this work was to investigate the association of these molecular responses with oysters' c...

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Data have not been made public due to unanswered questions and data quality issues. Final review by the data submitter was not received after it was imported into the BCO-DMO data system.

Reason: the submitter did  not provide enough metadata descriptions, context and details about data relations.


The data was collected as part of a larger study aimed at assessing the molecular response of adult Eastern oyster (C. virginica) to OA exposure over time. Specifically, the aim of this work was to investigate the association of these molecular responses with oysters' capacity to regulate internal chemistry and calcification. Please see the linked Dryad and Github respository for additional information about associated molecular data.

This data was collected by Alan Downey-Wall and other members of the Lotterhos and Ries Lab at Northeastern University.

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Downey-Wall, A. (2020). <i>Data from: Ocean acidification induces subtle shifts in gene expression and DNA methylation in mantle tissue of the Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica)</i> (Version 3) [Data set]. Dryad.

Dataset: Ocean Acidification Experiment: Phenotypic responses of Eastern oyster
Relationship Description: Dataset is part of same experiment.
Downey-Wall, A., Lotterhos, K., Ries, J. B., Cameron, L. (2023) Phenotypic responses of Eastern oyster in response to variable length OA exposure conducted in summer 2017 with oysters sampled in Plum Island. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2023-01-20

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Downey-Wall, A. M., Cameron, L. P., Ford, B. M., McNally, E. M., Venkataraman, Y. R., Roberts, S. B., Ries, J. B., & Lotterhos, K. E. (2020). Ocean Acidification Induces Subtle Shifts in Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Mantle Tissue of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica). Frontiers in Marine Science, 7.

Downey-Wall, A. M., Cameron, L. P., Ford, B. M., McNally, E. M., Venkataraman, Y. R., Roberts, S. B., Ries, J. B., & Lotterhos, K. E. (2020). Ocean Acidification Induces Subtle Shifts in Gene Expression and DNA Methylation in Mantle Tissue of the Eastern Oyster (Crassostrea virginica) - Scrips

Pierrot, D. E. Lewis,and D. W. R. Wallace. 2006. MS Excel Program Developed for CO2 System Calculations. ORNL/CDIAC-105a. Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. doi: 10.3334/CDIAC/otg.CO2SYS_XLS_CDIAC105a.