This lab study took place in Athens, Georiga (GA), USA within the Department of Marine Sciences at the University of Georgia. Experiments were conducted on several dates: samples ending in _glc_a/b/c (samples grown with glucose only) were collected February 22-23, 2022; samples ending in _ac_a/b/c (samples grown with acetate only) were collected June 24-25, 2022; and the rest of the samples ending with _glc_ac_5/8/19/34_a/b/c (grown with both glucose and acetate) were collected July 16-17, 2022.
Samples were collected for transcriptomic analysis during exponential growth phase from liquid cultures, and samples were pelleted and immediately frozen at -80°C. RNA was extracted from thawed samples using the Zymo Quick-RNA Fungal/Bacterial Microprep kit (Irvine, CA, USA). Ribosomal RNAs were depleted using NEBNext® rRNA Depletion Kit (Ipswich, MA, USA), and the remaining RNA was purified using the Zymo RNA Clean and Concentrator-5 kit (Irvine, CA, USA). RNA concentration was quantified using Qubit fluorometry (Invitrogen, Waltham, MA, USA), and libraries were prepped using the NEBNext® Ultra™ II Directional RNA Library Prep kit (Ipswich, MA, USA). Sequencing was conducted at the Georgia Genomics and Bioinformatics Center (Athens, GA, USA) using the Illumina NextSeq 2000 platform to obtain 50-bp single-end reads.