Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
---|---|---|---| (226.21 MB) | NetCDF | High Frequency Radar observed surface currents (U and V components) in netCDF format with coordinates, timestamps, and relevant metadata. ncdump -h netcdf CODAR_filled_edges { dimensions: Time = 1453 ; Lon = 101 ; Lat = 101 ; Char = 20 ; variables: double U(Time, Lat, Lon) ; U:long_name = "Eastward Surface Current (cm/s)" ; U:standard_name = "surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity" ; U:units = "cm/s" ; U:FillValue = "0" ; double V(Time, Lat, Lon) ; V:long_name = "Northward Surface Current (cm/s)" ; V:standard_name = "surface_northward_sea_water_velocity" ; V:units = "cm/s" ; V:FillValue = "0" ; double time(Time) ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:units = "days since 0000 01-01-T00:00:00; datenum serial date number" ; time:FillValue = "NaN" ; time:calendar = "georgian" ; time:TimeZone = "GMT" ; double lon(Lon) ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:FillValue = "NaN" ; double lat(Lat) ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:FillValue = "NaN" ; char time_readable(Char, Time) ; time_readable:long_name = "Time" ; time_readable:standard_name = "time" ; time_readable:units = "date_string" ; time_readable:FillValue = "NaN" ; time_readable:calendar = "georgian" ; time_readable:TimeZone = "GMT" ; } | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
CODAR_filled_edges.mat (20.14 MB) | MATLAB Data (.mat) | Data in alternate format (matlab .mat). These files contain the same dataset as the primary file for this dataset (netCDF). Note that the .nc file contains datetime in string format while the .mat files contain only matlab datenum type. Mat file of the velocity vectors every hour between January 9 and March 9 2020 for the area around Palmer Deep Canyon. Name Description Units Missing data identifier U east-west velocity cm/s V north-west velocity cm/s dnum date number of velocity field serial date number a serial date number represents the whole and fractional number of days from January 0,0000 in the proleptic ISO calendar lon longitude decimal degrees lat latitude decimal degrees CODAR_filled_edges = struct with fields: U: [101x101x1453 double] V: [101x101x1453 double] dnum: [737799 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 ... ] (1x1453 double) lon: [101x1 double] lat: [101x1 double] | | (4.51 MB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Code release made from forked to BCO-DMO for curatorial purposes. The repository was forked from on 2024-01-08. No changes to the code were made. Release corresponds to commit Repository README: SWARM_CODAR FILL GAPS in CODAR scripts will interpolate gaps in data surrounded by quality controlled data with minimal smoothing. This is a published technique: Fredj, E., Roarty, H., Kohut, J., Smith, M., and Glenn, S. 2016. Gap Filling of the Coastal Ocean Surface Currents from HFR Data: Application to the Mid-Atlantic Bight HFR Network. Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology, 33: 1097-1111. fillgaps scripts are two versions of similar code: "add_edges" will put the quality controlled data that is outside of the domain back into the data structure to increase residence time of particles. The domain was defined as every grid point that contains data at least 80% of the time. PLOT CODAR function used to plot HFR data from project SWARM (three HFRs deployed around Palmer Deep Canyon from Jan-March 2020). plotting dependencies are located in "antarcticaPlotting" folder. Many thanks to the Rutgers Uiversity Center for Ocean Observing Leadership for the building of a lot of this code, especially Hugh Roarty and Laura Nazarro. |
Type: NetCDF
Description: High Frequency Radar observed surface currents (U and V components) in netCDF format with coordinates, timestamps, and relevant metadata. ncdump -h netcdf CODAR_filled_edges { dimensions: Time = 1453 ; Lon = 101 ; Lat = 101 ; Char = 20 ; variables: double U(Time, Lat, Lon) ; U:long_name = "Eastward Surface Current (cm/s)" ; U:standard_name = "surface_eastward_sea_water_velocity" ; U:units = "cm/s" ; U:FillValue = "0" ; double V(Time, Lat, Lon) ; V:long_name = "Northward Surface Current (cm/s)" ; V:standard_name = "surface_northward_sea_water_velocity" ; V:units = "cm/s" ; V:FillValue = "0" ; double time(Time) ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:units = "days since 0000 01-01-T00:00:00; datenum serial date number" ; time:FillValue = "NaN" ; time:calendar = "georgian" ; time:TimeZone = "GMT" ; double lon(Lon) ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:FillValue = "NaN" ; double lat(Lat) ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:FillValue = "NaN" ; char time_readable(Char, Time) ; time_readable:long_name = "Time" ; time_readable:standard_name = "time" ; time_readable:units = "date_string" ; time_readable:FillValue = "NaN" ; time_readable:calendar = "georgian" ; time_readable:TimeZone = "GMT" ; }
Supplemental Files
Type: MATLAB Data (.mat)
Description: Data in alternate format (matlab .mat). These files contain the same dataset as the primary file for this dataset (netCDF). Note that the .nc file contains datetime in string format while the .mat files contain only matlab datenum type. Mat file of the velocity vectors every hour between January 9 and March 9 2020 for the area around Palmer Deep Canyon. Name Description Units Missing data identifier U east-west velocity cm/s V north-west velocity cm/s dnum date number of velocity field serial date number a serial date number represents the whole and fractional number of days from January 0,0000 in the proleptic ISO calendar lon longitude decimal degrees lat latitude decimal degrees CODAR_filled_edges = struct with fields: U: [101x101x1453 double] V: [101x101x1453 double] dnum: [737799 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 ... ] (1x1453 double) lon: [101x1 double] lat: [101x1 double]
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Code release made from forked to BCO-DMO for curatorial purposes. The repository was forked from on 2024-01-08. No changes to the code were made. Release corresponds to commit Repository README: SWARM_CODAR FILL GAPS in CODAR scripts will interpolate gaps in data surrounded by quality controlled data with minimal smoothing. This is a published technique: Fredj, E., Roarty, H., Kohut, J., Smith, M., and Glenn, S. 2016. Gap Filling of the Coastal Ocean Surface Currents from HFR Data: Application to the Mid-Atlantic Bight HFR Network. Journal of atmospheric and oceanic technology, 33: 1097-1111. fillgaps scripts are two versions of similar code: "add_edges" will put the quality controlled data that is outside of the domain back into the data structure to increase residence time of particles. The domain was defined as every grid point that contains data at least 80% of the time. PLOT CODAR function used to plot HFR data from project SWARM (three HFRs deployed around Palmer Deep Canyon from Jan-March 2020). plotting dependencies are located in "antarcticaPlotting" folder. Many thanks to the Rutgers Uiversity Center for Ocean Observing Leadership for the building of a lot of this code, especially Hugh Roarty and Laura Nazarro.