Data File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
---|---|---|---| (85.50 MB) | NetCDF | Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Results (FTLE) results in netCDF format. Netcdf header: ncdump -h netcdf ftle\ \(1\) { dimensions: Time = 1273 ; Lat = 44 ; Lon = 100 ; Char = 20 ; variables: double FTLE_values(Time, Lon, Lat) ; FTLE_values:long_name = "Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent" ; FTLE_values:standard_name = "finite_time_lyapunov_exponent" ; FTLE_values:units = "1/hr" ; FTLE_values:FillValue = "0" ; FTLE_values:resolution = 100., 44. ; FTLE_values:domain = -65.5019, -65.4322, -63.4104, -64.5329 ; double time(Time) ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:units = "days since 0000 01-01-T00:00:00; datenum serial date number" ; time:FillValue = "NaN" ; time:calendar = "georgian" ; time:TimeZone = "GMT" ; char time_readable(Char, Time) ; time_readable:long_name = "Time" ; time_readable:standard_name = "time" ; time_readable:units = "date_string" ; time_readable:FillValue = "NaN" ; time_readable:calendar = "georgian" ; time_readable:TimeZone = "GMT" ; double FTLE_binary(Time, Lon, Lat) ; FTLE_binary:long_name = "Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Binary (greater than 0.2)" ; FTLE_binary:standard_name = "finite_time_lyapunov_exponent" ; FTLE_binary:units = "none" ; FTLE_binary:FillValue = "0" ; double lat(Lat) ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:FillValue = "NaN" ; double lon(Lon) ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:FillValue = "NaN" ; } | |
Supplemental File(s) | Type | Description | Action |
ftle_LR_binary.mat (38.94 MB) | MATLAB Data (.mat) | Data in alternate format (matlab .mat). These files contain the same dataset as the primary file for this dataset (netCDF). Note that the .nc file contains datetime in string format while the .mat files contain only matlab datenum type. Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents (ftle_LR.mat) matlab file contains FTLE results gridded by longitude and latitude hourly. ftle_LR = struct with fields: ftle: [44x100x1273 double] time: [737804 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 ... ] (1x1273 double) resolution: [100 44] domain: [2x2 double] dnum: [737804 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 ... ] (1x1273 double) binary: [44x100x1273 double] x: [-65.5019 -65.4808 -65.4597 -65.4385 -65.4174 -65.3963 -65.3752 -65.3540 -65.3329 -65.3118 -65.2906 -65.2695 -65.2484 -65.2273 -65.2061 -65.1850 ... ] (1x100 double) y: [-65.4322 -65.4113 -65.3904 -65.3695 -65.3486 -65.3276 -65.3067 -65.2858 -65.2649 -65.2440 -65.2231 -65.2022 -65.1812 -65.1603 -65.1394 -65.1185 ... ] (1x44 double) VariableName Description Units Missing data identifier ftle gridded FTLE results 1/hour lon x lat x time time timestamp of FTLE results serial date number. a serial date number representsthe whole and fractional number of days from January 0,0000 in the proleptic ISO calendar resolution dimensions of grid n/a used in FTLE projection domain extent of results decimal degree used in FTLE calculation binary gridded FTLE results with n/a 1 indicating strong FTLE and 0 indicating no or weak FTLE x coordinates of result longitude (decimal degree) y coordinates of result latitude (decimal degree) | | (33.15 KB) | ZIP Archive (ZIP) | Code release made from forked to BCO-DMO for curatorial purposes. The repository was forked from on 2024-01-08. No changes to the code were made. Release corresponds to commit Repository README: code for the calculation of Lagrangian coherent structures from HFR observed surface currents in Palmer Deep Canyon RPD calculations can be computed following instructions in "READ_ME.docx" in this repo. FTLE calculations can be computed using "backward_ftle_loop_short.m" within George Haller's LCS toolbox. Place "backward_ftle_loop_short.m" in the LCS-Tool-master/demo/ocean_dataset directory within toolbox. Access toolbox here: Haller, K. O. F. H. G. LCS Tool: A Computational Platform for Lagrangian Coherent Structures. Haller, K. O. F. H. G. LCS Tool: A Computational Platform for Lagrangian Coherent Structures ( |
Type: NetCDF
Description: Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Results (FTLE) results in netCDF format. Netcdf header: ncdump -h netcdf ftle\ \(1\) { dimensions: Time = 1273 ; Lat = 44 ; Lon = 100 ; Char = 20 ; variables: double FTLE_values(Time, Lon, Lat) ; FTLE_values:long_name = "Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent" ; FTLE_values:standard_name = "finite_time_lyapunov_exponent" ; FTLE_values:units = "1/hr" ; FTLE_values:FillValue = "0" ; FTLE_values:resolution = 100., 44. ; FTLE_values:domain = -65.5019, -65.4322, -63.4104, -64.5329 ; double time(Time) ; time:long_name = "Time" ; time:standard_name = "time" ; time:units = "days since 0000 01-01-T00:00:00; datenum serial date number" ; time:FillValue = "NaN" ; time:calendar = "georgian" ; time:TimeZone = "GMT" ; char time_readable(Char, Time) ; time_readable:long_name = "Time" ; time_readable:standard_name = "time" ; time_readable:units = "date_string" ; time_readable:FillValue = "NaN" ; time_readable:calendar = "georgian" ; time_readable:TimeZone = "GMT" ; double FTLE_binary(Time, Lon, Lat) ; FTLE_binary:long_name = "Finite Time Lyapunov Exponent Binary (greater than 0.2)" ; FTLE_binary:standard_name = "finite_time_lyapunov_exponent" ; FTLE_binary:units = "none" ; FTLE_binary:FillValue = "0" ; double lat(Lat) ; lat:long_name = "Latitude" ; lat:standard_name = "latitude" ; lat:units = "degrees_north" ; lat:FillValue = "NaN" ; double lon(Lon) ; lon:long_name = "Longitude" ; lon:standard_name = "longitude" ; lon:units = "degrees_east" ; lon:FillValue = "NaN" ; }
Supplemental Files
Type: MATLAB Data (.mat)
Description: Data in alternate format (matlab .mat). These files contain the same dataset as the primary file for this dataset (netCDF). Note that the .nc file contains datetime in string format while the .mat files contain only matlab datenum type. Finite Time Lyapunov Exponents (ftle_LR.mat) matlab file contains FTLE results gridded by longitude and latitude hourly. ftle_LR = struct with fields: ftle: [44x100x1273 double] time: [737804 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 ... ] (1x1273 double) resolution: [100 44] domain: [2x2 double] dnum: [737804 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 7.3780e+05 ... ] (1x1273 double) binary: [44x100x1273 double] x: [-65.5019 -65.4808 -65.4597 -65.4385 -65.4174 -65.3963 -65.3752 -65.3540 -65.3329 -65.3118 -65.2906 -65.2695 -65.2484 -65.2273 -65.2061 -65.1850 ... ] (1x100 double) y: [-65.4322 -65.4113 -65.3904 -65.3695 -65.3486 -65.3276 -65.3067 -65.2858 -65.2649 -65.2440 -65.2231 -65.2022 -65.1812 -65.1603 -65.1394 -65.1185 ... ] (1x44 double) VariableName Description Units Missing data identifier ftle gridded FTLE results 1/hour lon x lat x time time timestamp of FTLE results serial date number. a serial date number representsthe whole and fractional number of days from January 0,0000 in the proleptic ISO calendar resolution dimensions of grid n/a used in FTLE projection domain extent of results decimal degree used in FTLE calculation binary gridded FTLE results with n/a 1 indicating strong FTLE and 0 indicating no or weak FTLE x coordinates of result longitude (decimal degree) y coordinates of result latitude (decimal degree)
Type: ZIP Archive (ZIP)
Description: Code release made from forked to BCO-DMO for curatorial purposes. The repository was forked from on 2024-01-08. No changes to the code were made. Release corresponds to commit Repository README: code for the calculation of Lagrangian coherent structures from HFR observed surface currents in Palmer Deep Canyon RPD calculations can be computed following instructions in "READ_ME.docx" in this repo. FTLE calculations can be computed using "backward_ftle_loop_short.m" within George Haller's LCS toolbox. Place "backward_ftle_loop_short.m" in the LCS-Tool-master/demo/ocean_dataset directory within toolbox. Access toolbox here: Haller, K. O. F. H. G. LCS Tool: A Computational Platform for Lagrangian Coherent Structures. Haller, K. O. F. H. G. LCS Tool: A Computational Platform for Lagrangian Coherent Structures (