In the lagoon on Palmyra Atoll (5°52'42.6"N 162°04'09.8"W), we conducted an experiment with a goal of determining the effects of a common sea cucumber (Stichopus chloronotus) on coral (Acropora nasuta) health. but enclosed or excluded the locally abundant sea cucumber Stichopus chloronotus and assessed impact on the coral Acropora nasuta. Within an area of about 160 m2, we erected thirty 50 x 50 x 12 cm cages constructed of plastic 1 cm2 mesh, planted two A. nasuta either in contact with or elevated 2-3 cm above benthic sediment into each cage, and randomly assigned cages to contain either zero or two S. chloronotus sea cucumbers (n = 15 for each treatment). Coral portions for the experiment were collected from 15 A. nasuta colonies in the East Lagoon of Palmyra Atoll where our experimental cages were located. Cages and coral tissue death were monitored daily for 14 days, with data from the final day used to contrast effects of sea cucumber presence and sediment contact on coral condition.
Organism identifiers: Coral: Acropora nasuta, LSID ( Cucumber: Stichopus chloronotus, LSID (