Dataset: OOI Global Station Papa Array CTD and Discrete Water Sampling Data from Mooring Overturning Cruises in the Gulf of Alaska from 2013 to 2023 (OOI Cruise Data project)

Preliminary and in progressVersion 1 (2024-03-21)Dataset Type:Cruise Results

Principal Investigator: Albert Plueddemann (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Data Manager: Andrew Reed (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Sawyer Newman (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Program: Ocean Observatories Initiative (OOI)

Project: OOI Discrete CTD and Water Sampling Cruise Data (OOI Cruise Data)


The hydrographic sampling performed by OOI-CGSN (the Ocean Observatories Initiative - Coastal and Global Scale Nodes) as part of each Array turn represents a significant collection of valuable physical, chemical, and biological information. In addition to the CTD, collected hydrographic data include discrete oxygen, salinity, nutrient (nitrate, nitrite, silicate, phosphate, ammonium), chlorophyll, and carbon system measurements. These data serve several important functions. First, they are neces...

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OOI-CGSN CTD Sampling Guidelines

In general, water samples are collected for analysis at depths that correspond to instrumentation making in situ measurements.  For example, Near Surface Instrument Frames (NSIFs) have instrumentation that measure dissolved oxygen (DO), salinity (CTD), nitrate (NUTNR), the partial pressure of CO2 (CO2), and chlorophyll a fluorescence, so water samples should be collected at the depth of the NSIF for analyses of all those parameters.  Additionally, as noted above, OOI water sampling data are valid long-term datasets in and of themselves. Thus, some measurement locations are driven by broader science questions.

Soak Time – The CTD rosette should be allowed to equilibrate (e.g., the CTD sensor readout stabilizes) at the desired target depth for at least 1 minute or more depending on conditions.  Longer soak times may occur to accommodate acoustic release testing or other activities.

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