Dataset: Ammonium (NH4) and Nitrite (NO2) concentrations from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2311 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from November to December 2023

Final no updates expectedDOI: 10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.931516.1Version 1 (2024-07-31)Dataset Type:Cruise Results

Principal Investigator: Bess B. Ward (Princeton University)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Audrey Mickle (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Nitrite Oxidation in Oxygen Minimum Zones (NO2Ox_OMZs)


Water samples were collected as part of a 32-day cruise in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific, aiming to study nitrification in this oxygen minimum region of the ocean. In the Event Log for RR2311, transect stations are designated "T" and process stations are designated "PS". Nutrients were collected on the first cast upon arrival at a process station, and in one case on the last day, of a 2-5 day station occupation. Ammonium concentrations were initially planned to be measured in high-resolu...

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Water Sample Collection

Water samples for both NO2 and NH4 analyses were collected using a 24 x 10-liter Niskin bottle rosette sampler equipped with a conductivity, temperature, and pressure instrument package (SBE9, Sea-Bird Electronics, Bellevue, Washington, U.S.A.). The sampler was also equipped with sensors for dissolved oxygen (SBE43, Sea-Bird) and chlorophyll fluorescence (FluoroSeatechWetlabsFLF Sensor). NH4 and NO2 were measured on board immediately after sample collection.

NO2 Analysis

Nitrite concentration was measured manually colorimetrically using standard methods (Hansen and Koroleff, 1999).

NH4 Analysis

Duplicate samples for ammonium concentration were measured immediately upon retrieval and were not filtered prior to analysis. Ammonium concentration was measured manually fluorometrically using standard methods (Holmes et al. 1999).

Related Datasets


Dataset: RR2311 Bottle Data
Relationship Description: CTD time and depth for each water sample is derived from the RR2311 Bottle Data.
Ward, B. B. (2024) RR2311 bottle data from R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2311 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from November to December 2023. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-04-15 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.924943.1

Dataset: RR2311 Event Log
Relationship Description: Time information and environmental conditions related to stations referenced in RR2311 NH4 and NO2 are available in RR2311 Event Log.
Ward, B. B. (2024) Event log of all over the side deployments on R/V Roger Revelle cruise RR2311 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from November to December 2023. Biological and Chemical Oceanography Data Management Office (BCO-DMO). (Version 1) Version Date 2024-05-17 doi:10.26008/1912/bco-dmo.925001.1

Related Publications


Hansen, H. P., & Koroleff, F. (1999). Determination of nutrients. Methods of Seawater Analysis, 159–228. Portico.

Holmes, R. M., Aminot, A., Kérouel, R., Hooker, B. A., & Peterson, B. J. (1999). A simple and precise method for measuring ammonium in marine and freshwater ecosystems. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 56(10), 1801–1808. doi:10.1139/f99-128