Dataset: Impacts of turf-coral interactions from allelopathy experiments in Mo'orea, French Polynesia during austral summer (Mar 2022) and austral winter (Sep 2022)

Under revisionVersion 1 (2025-01-23)Dataset Type:Other Field ResultsDataset Type:experimental

Principal Investigator: Mark E. Hay (Georgia Institute of Technology)

Co-Principal Investigator: Frank James Stewart (Montana State University)

Scientist: Zoe Pratte (Montana State University)

Student: Noam T Altman-Kurosaki (Georgia Institute of Technology)

BCO-DMO Data Manager: Dana Stuart Gerlach (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)

Project: Positive Effects of Coral Biodiversity on Coral Performance: Patterns, Processes, and Dynamics (Coral Biodiversity)


We evaluated turf-coral interactions and their impacts relative to those of macroalgae by placing corals (Acropora pulchra and Porites rus) in contact with turf communities from territories of two species of damselfishes, with two common macroalgae, and with inert algal mimics as physical controls. After 13 days, turfs reduced coral photosynthesis by 31–59%, while macroalgae and mimics had minimal effects. After 24 hours of contact, chemicals from turf surfaces suppressed coral photosynthesis, a...

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This dataset is part of a larger study of the coral reef ecosystem in Mo’orea, French Polynesia that examines mechanisms governing interactions between damselfish, corals, and turf algae. The different analyses from the broader study are listed here, with links to these associated data in the 'Related Datasets' section below.  

Analyses undertaken include:

  • Fertilizer impacts on damselfish behavior (Damselfish video dataset 949539)
  • Fertilizer impacts on biomass plus isotopic composition of algal turfs (Damselfish turf biomass dataset 9xxxxx)
  • Fertilizer impacts on coral predation and herbivory (Corallivory dataset 9xxxxxx, Herbivory dataset 9xxxxx)
  • Impacts of fertilizer and caging on coral and algal growth (Coral growth dataset 9xxxxx, Algal overgrowth dataset 9xxxxxx)
  • Coral-turf allelopathy (this dataset of turf extracts PAM dataCoral-algal contact dataset 9xxxxxx)
  • Species composition of turf gardens (dataset 949552 + supplemental for Coral Reefs paper)

Organism identifiers for taxonomic names within this dataset:
Scientific name, LSID (Life Science Identifier)
Stegastes nigricans,
Stegastes punctatus,
Acropora pulchra,
Porites rus,
Sargassum pacificum, ????? or three others
Amansia rhodantha,

Related Datasets

No Related Datasets

Related Publications


Altman-Kurosaki, N. T., Pratte, Z. A., Stewart, F. J., & Hay, M. E. (2024). Coral–algal competition: allelopathy, temporal variance, and effects on coral microbiomes. Coral Reefs.

de Nys, R., Dworjanyn, S., & Steinberg, P. (1998). A new method for determining surface concentrations of marine natural products on seaweeds. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 162, 79–87.
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Clements, C. S., Burns, A. S., Stewart, F. J., & Hay, M. E. (2020). Seaweed-coral competition in the field: effects on coral growth, photosynthesis and microbiomes require direct contact. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 287(1927), 20200366. doi:10.1098/rspb.2020.0366
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Diaz-Pulido, G., & McCook, L. (2002). The fate of bleached corals: patterns and dynamics of algal recruitment. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 232, 115–128.
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Rasher, D. B., & Hay, M. E. (2010). Chemically rich seaweeds poison corals when not controlled by herbivores. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(21), 9683–9688.