Deployment: NBP1210

2013-01-06 - 2013-02-09 Ross Sea Platform:RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer (vessel)


Seaglider AUV-SG-503-2012 was recovered on this cruise.

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Glider data from the southern Ross Sea collected from the iRobot Seaglider during the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer (AUV-SG-503-2012, NBP1210) cruises in 2012 (Penguin Glider project)2015-12-09Final no updates expected
Collection and locality information by taxon of Hemichordata from global sites, Table 1, Cannon et al (2013) Biol. Bull. (Antarctic Inverts project)2016-12-29Preliminary and in progress
Hemichordata and Echinodermata NCBI accessions, Table 2, Cannon et al (2013) Biol. Bull. (Antarctic Inverts project)2016-12-22Preliminary and in progress
Collection and locality information of Hemichordata and Echinodermata from global sites, Table S1, Cannon et al (2014) Curr. Bio. (Antarctic Inverts project)2016-12-22Preliminary and in progress
Hemichordata and Echinodermata GenBank accessions, Table S2, Cannon et al (2014) Curr. Bio. (Antarctic Inverts project)2016-12-22Preliminary and in progress
Video of acorn worm tubes, Halanych et al (2013) Nature Comm. (Antarctic Inverts project)2016-12-22Preliminary and in progress
Sea spider Pallenopsis sampling sites and COI NCBI accessions from Table 1, Harder et al (2016) Polar Biology (Antarctic Inverts project)2016-12-02Preliminary and in progress
Pallenopsis patagonica specimen and outgroups with accessions, from Table 1, Domel et al, in review, Frontiers in ...(Antarctic Inverts project)2016-12-27Preliminary and in progress
Mg/Ca ratios in Echinoderms collected near western Antarctica on NBP12-10 (Jan. 1 to Feb. 9, 2013) and LMG13-12 (Nov. 22 to Dec. 20, 2013)2018-02-21Preliminary and in progress

Deployment Report

Coordinated Deployments



Chief Scientist: Kenneth M. Halanych
Auburn University