Deployment: KN195-08

2009-05-06 - 2009-05-29 eastern North Pacific, North Pacific SAFe Station at 30 deg N 140 deg W, Santa Barbara Basin, 34.25 deg N 120 deg W Platform:R/V Knorr (vessel)


GEOTRACES intercalibration cruise 2  (May 2009)
GEOTRACES completed the first Intercalibration cruise from June 8 to July 12, 2008, collecting water and particle samples for analysis and intercalibration. The second intercalibration cruise is planned for May 2009 in the eastern North Pacific and will include sampling near the North Pacific SAFe Station at 30°N 140°W, and the Santa Barbara Basin, 34.25°N 120°W.

This International GEOTRACES intercalibration exercise aims to provide reference materials that could be distributed to the international community and reference profiles of Trace Elements and their Isotopes to ensure compatibility and consistency of GEOTRACES data.

Sampling Activities: for full details see cruise synopsis or cruise report when available

Pre-cruise Sampling Activity Summary: This is a 'trace metal clean' cruise, during which the researchers plan to use the following sampling devices and gear:

  1. ship's standard CTD with 24x10L Niskin bottle rosette
  2. Ken Buesseler's McLane in situ pumps and MITESS vane samplers
  3. a trace metal-clean GEOTRACES carousel with GO-Flo bottles (like the one used during IC 1 in 2008. This will be deployed using the newly developed method described by Glosten Associates. The plan is to use this system for up to 10 casts per day.
  4. a towed/stationary fish (depressor and weighted torpedo) for pumping trace metal clean water to the MLML sampling and GEOTRACES clean vans, deployed using our aluminum pivoting boom just like in 2008. We will be testing several different towed fish during the transits.
  5. Jim Bishop's MULFVS pumping system (


An EOS paper (Johnson, 2007) describes the SAFe station and efforts to establish the SAFe dissolved Fe in seawater standards.
K.S. Johnson et al. 2007. Developing standards for dissolved iron in seawater, EOS 88 (11), pp. 131-132 (

Cruise information and original data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog.

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Gregory A. Cutter
Old Dominion University



• KN195-8

• InterCal 2