Deployment: KNOX22RR

2008-12-04 - 2009-01-02 Patagonian Shelf (SW South Atlantic) 35-55°S, 55-65°W Platform:R/V Roger Revelle (vessel)


Cruise KNOX22RR was an expedition to study the Patagonian Shelf coccolithophorid bloom. A total of 168 CTD profiles at 152 stations were completed during the cruise, including 25 dawn primary productivity casts. Depths of the profiles varied from less than 10 m for carboy experiments to a maximum of 5204 m. Most casts, however, extended to 1000 m offshore and were limited by topography along the shelf break and inshore. Profile casts down to 1000 m were interspersed with water casts to increase the along-track resolution of the hydrographic data and to resolve the deeper structure beyond the euphotic zone. On such casts, water was not sampled.

On casts where water was taken, sampling from Niskin bottles took place in the following order: oxygen, DIC/Alk, DMS, DOC, nutrients, primary productivity, PIC/POC/Chl, cyanobacteria distribution, HPLC, virus abundance, salts.

Sampling was carried out at the following fixed light depths: 50%, 30%, 20%, 10%, 5%, 3%, 1%, 0.1%. The depths were calculated based on one of two methods: (a) during the day, percentages of surface irradiance taken from the downcast profile immediately preceding bottle firing or, (b) at night, based on the measured beam transmittance and previously determined relationships between beam transmittance and diffuse attenuation of photosynthetically available radiation (PAR).

Cruise information and original data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog.

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: William M. Balch
University of Miami
