Deployment: OC449-02

2008-08-06 - 2008-09-04 Trans atlantic transect between Barbados and Cape Verde, 5-20 degN, 20-58 degW Platform:R/V Oceanus (vessel)


R/V Oceanus Voyage #449, Leg II was a trans-Atlantic transect from Bridgetown, Barbados to Porto Grande, Cape Verde (5-20 degrees North, 20-58 degrees West). The main scientific objective was to test the hypothesis that the continental margin of northwest Africa provides a significant subsurface supply of iron to the open eastern tropical Atlantic.

Measurements include: CTD profiles, U/W Tow Fish Water Sampler, Trace Metal Profiles mostly in upper 1000 meters and one cast to 6000 meters, SeaSoar SeaMac Winch to deploy eleven battery-operated in-situ pumps with sci-provided non-metallic wire off the 01 deck using the side A-frame and SSSG non-metallic block and Gravity Coring

WHOI cruise planning synopsis

Cruise information and original data are available from the NSF R2R data catalog.

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Edward A. Boyle
Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Co-Chief Scientist: Steven R. Emerson
University of Washington

Co-Chief Scientist: Phoebe J. Lam
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

