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Deployment: RB0103L3

2001-05-25 - 2001-06-08 Coastal Gulf of Alaska Platform:NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown (vessel)


Leg 3
Kodiak, AK to Dutch Harbor, AK

This cruise was divided into three legs:
RB0103a - Leg 1 FOCI deployment report - 06 May 2001 to 13 May 2001
RB0103b - Leg 2 FOCI deployment report - 13 May 2001 to 23 May 2001
RB0103L3 - Leg 3 FOCI deployment report - 25 May 2001 to 08 June 2001

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Edward D. Cokelet
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration



RB0103 Leg 3