Deployment: AT26-24

2014-11-30 - 2014-12-12 Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge; (87 06'W, 9 50'N) Platform:R/V Atlantis (vessel)


Research was conducted on this cruise as part of the C-DEBI project titled "Discovery, sampling, and quantification of flows from cool yet massive ridge-flank hydrothermal springs on Dorado Outcrop, eastern Pacific Ocean" (see:

DatasetLatest Version DateCurrent State
Spring and pore fluid chemistry from samples taken by OsmoSamplers at Dorado outcrop during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 near Cocos Ridge, Pacific Ocean in 20142016-10-12Final no updates expected
Continuous temperature collected at Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge from deployment during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 in 2013 to retrieval by cruise AT26-09 in 20142016-12-28Final no updates expected
DO and temperature from a soloDO logger measured with Alvin during the R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at the Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge from November to December 20142016-10-20Final no updates expected
Discrete temperature and DO measured with the HOV Alvin during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at Dorado Outcrop in December of 20142016-11-10Final no updates expected
Dissolved oxygen of pore water from sediment gravity cores, and push cores taken during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at the Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge in December of 2014 (Dorado Outcrop project)2016-11-10Final no updates expected
Chemistry from discrete samples of hydrothermal springs sampled by the HOV Alvin during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at Dorado Outcrop in December of 20142016-11-10Final no updates expected
Solid phase chemistry from gravity cores taken during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at the Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge in December of 2014 (Dorado Outcrop project)2016-12-27Final no updates expected
Solid phase chemistry from push cores taken during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at the Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge in December of 2014 (Dorado Outcrop project)2016-12-27Final no updates expected
Pore fluid chemistry from push cores taken during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at the Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge in December of 2014 (Dorado Outcrop project)2016-12-27Final no updates expected
Pore fluid chemistry from gravity cores taken during R/V Atlantis cruise AT26-24 at the Dorado Outcrop near Cocos Ridge in December of 2014 (Dorado Outcrop project)2016-12-27Final no updates expected

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: C. Geoffrey Wheat
University of Alaska Fairbanks