Deployment: CW2005_02

2005-02-16 - 2005-02-28 Los Angeles, CA to Auckland, New Zealand Platform:M/S Columbus Waikato (vessel)


In 2004, PMEL installed an underway pCO2 system on the container ship Columbus Waikato to monitor atmospheric and surface water CO2 concentrations as the ship traversed the Pacific Ocean from the western united states to New Zealand. In the time period between Feb 2004 and Feb 2006, 13 data sets were along this ship track.

In March, 2006, the ship changed it’s route to as well as it’s name. The ship is now the Cap Victor.

More information: Columbus Waikato/Cap Victor Master Readme File (Both the readme file and cruise report were obtained from and converted to PDF)

Deployment Report


Principal Investigator: Richard A. Feely
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration


• PWZ05A