Deployment: Line-P_cruises


Line P is an oceanic transect of 26 periodically sampled stations running from southern Vancouver Island to "Ocean Station Papa", situated at 50°N 145°W. Ocean (Weather) Station Papa, station P26, was originally operated as an ocean weather station from December of 1949 through 1981. After 1981, the Line-P / Station-P program was then taken over by the Institute of Ocean Sciences from Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO). 

While hydrographic (CTD-based) measurements are made at all of the 26 sites, water chemistry (bottle rosettes) and plankton (bongo) samples are only made at stations P4, P8, P12, P16, P20, and P26. Of those expanded sampling variables sites, all but P8 are featured in this web summary. 
