Deployment: EN638

2019-05-15 - 2019-05-30 Northern Atlantic Platform:R/V Endeavor (vessel)DOI: 10.7284/908399 Rolling Deck to Repository (R2R) Program


Underway datasets (and their DOIs) provided by R2R are the following. Click the cruise DOI for more general information

ADCP: 10.7284/134159
Anemometer: 10.7284/134174
Anemometer: 10.7284/134176
CTD: 10.7284/134160
GNSS: 10.7284/134158
GNSS: 10.7284/134167
GNSS: 10.7284/134168
GNSS: 10.7284/134170
Gyrocompass: 10.7284/134161
Gyrocompass: 10.7284/134162
Met Station: 10.7284/134166
Radiometer: 10.7284/134163
Radiometer: 10.7284/134164
Singlebeam Sonar: 10.7284/134172
Speed Log: 10.7284/134169
Time Server: 10.7284/134171
TSG: 10.7284/134165
TSG: 10.7284/134173
Winch: 10.7284/134175

Deployment Report


Chief Scientist: Carol Arnosti
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill