Instrument: Sea-Bird SBE 33 Carousel Deck Unit

Acronym: SBE 33
External Identifier:


The rack-mountable SBE 33 provides power and real-time data acquisition and control for an SBE 32 Carousel Water Sampler that has the SBE 33 interface option installed in its pylon. The SBE 33 is compatible with all Carousel sizes - full size, compact, and sub-compact. When powered and controlled by the SBE 33, the Carousel can be used:

- with an SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, 25, 25plus, or 49 CTD
- without a CTD
- with a Neil Brown Mk III CTD (requires optional interface for both SBE 32 and 33)

The SBE 33 can also provide power and real-time data acquisition and control for the smaller SBE 55 ECO Water Sampler used with an SBE 19, 19plus, 19plus V2, 25, 25plus, or 49 CTD, or no CTD.

See for further details.