Instrument: Global Positioning System Receiver

Acronym: GPS
External Identifier: skos:broadMatch:


The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a U.S. space-based radionavigation system that provides reliable positioning, navigation, and timing services to civilian users on a continuous worldwide basis. The U.S. Air Force develops, maintains, and operates the space and control segments of the NAVSTAR GPS transmitter system. Ships use a variety of receivers (e.g. Trimble and Ashtech) to interpret the GPS signal and determine accurate latitude and longitude.

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Handheld GPS (WGS84 datum)
ADCP Transects from 2014-2015 R/V C-HAWK MuLTI-2 project cruises in the Gulf of Maine, Coastal eastern Maine, from Frenchman Bay to the Canadian borderYSI CTD with built in GPS receiver GPS receiver
Percent cover of algal habitat types on a by-transect and/or subsample basis recorded during emergent and rapid emergent surveys conducted in the subtidal zone of northern California, Sonoma and Mendocino counties, from 1999 to 2023Handheld GPS (WGS84 datum)
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from ARSV Laurence M. Gould cruise LMG1110 in the Southern Ocean in 2011Trimble 20636-00SM, Seapath 330, Garmin 17 Global Positioning System Receiver
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project)Simrad MX512 GPS receiver. Global Positioning System Receiver
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project)Simrad MX512 GPS receiver. Global Positioning System Receiver
Alongtrack data from R/V Atlantis AT15-61 in the Eastern Tropical South Pacific from January 2010 (Syne_ETSP project)NorthStar 941 GPS receiver NMEA (National Marine Electronics Association) output Format:  $--RMC,,S,lat,a,lon,a,x.x,y.y,ddmmyy,m.m,d*hh   Time = UTC of position fix   S = Status ("A" = valid, "V" =  receiver warning)   Lat & Lon   x.x = speed over ground (knots)   y.y = Course over ground (degrees true)   ddmmyy = date   m.m,d = magnetic variation, degrees ("E" subtracts from true, "W" adds to true)   Global Positioning System Receiver
Benthic community cover and counts in Sitka Sound and Torch Bay, Alaska from 1988 to 2019GPS coordinates were take using a handheld GPS unit (2018 data with Garmin Legend, other years unspecified) hand-held GPS
Profile data from Lagrangian mixed layer float collected from Biofloat 48 deployment in the subpolar North Atlantic and Iceland Basin in 2008 (NAB 2008 project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Position and time data along the track of Biofloat 48 in the subpolar North Atlantic and Iceland Basin in 2008 (NAB 2008 project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Hydroacoustic tracking data from blue crabs released in receiver arrays along the Atlantic coast from May 2019 to Feb 2020Garmin GPSMAP 60x is a waterproof high-sensitivity GPS receiver Garmin GPSMap 60x GPS
Comparison of recruitment dynamics in five intertidal marine invertebrates following mass mortality along the northeastern Pacific coastline in 2005 (CHIPS project)GPS
Cruise track data from ship underway data acquisition system from cruises KN193-03, B4-2008, B9-2008,and B10-2008 in the subpolar North Atlantic and Iceland Basin in 2008 (NAB 2008 project)C-Nav Real Time Gypsy (RTG) GPS Northstar 941XD GPS with differential capability Trimble Tasman P(Y) P-Code GPS (2) Furuno GP-90D WAAS/dGPS Furuno GP1850-WD WAAS/dGPS Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise track data from ship's underway data acquisition system from R/V Oceanus cruise OC454-02 in the Mediterranean Sea (Pickled Protists project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise Track from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1005 in the Amundsen Sea, South Pacific Sector of Antarctica, Southern Ocean 73 S 115 W from 2010-2011 (ASPIRE project)This data set was acquired with a ship-based Navigation system GPS
Cruise track from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP0901 in the Southern Ocean, Pine Island Bay/Amundsen Sea Polynya from January to February 2009 (DynaLiFE project)This data set was acquired with a ship-based Navigation system GPS
Cruise tracks from R/V New Horizon NH1417 in the Eastern Pacific between San Diego and Hawaii in 2014 (Phyto response to N substrates project) Navigation Equipment HEALY is outfitted with Sperry Marine's Voyage Management System (VMS). This system utilizes multiple heading, position, environmental, and navigation inputs to steer the ship along a desired course. Currently, HEALY has the following GPS receivers: GPS, DGPS, P-Code GPS, and 3-D GPS. Heading inputs include two gyrocompasses and the 3-D GPS heading information. The ship is also outfitted with an electronic magnetic compass. A Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) is available for station keeping and slow speed transits (towing, dredging). HEALY's DPS attempts to do with props and a bowthruster what smaller ships do with fore and aft thrusters, so it has limitations. It was designed and built by ALSTOM and integrates the use of propellers, rudders, and the bow thruster to accomplish ship movement. DPS Limitations: At best heading in openwater, in a 20 kt wind, seas with a significant wave height of 4.0 feet and a 1 knot currents, HEALY shall be capable of maintaining a position of +/- 150 feet or 3% of water depth (whichever is greater) from a point or trackline and maintain a heading of +/- 5 degrees. The seas and wind shall be from the same direction, with the current from less the 45 degrees off the wind. Antenna Layout Top View PDF GPS
Cruise track from the R/V Atlantis AT15-53 cruise in the Santa Monica Basin during 2009 (Viruses in Methanotrophic Marine Ecosystems project) Navigation Equipment HEALY is outfitted with Sperry Marine's Voyage Management System (VMS). This system utilizes multiple heading, position, environmental, and navigation inputs to steer the ship along a desired course. Currently, HEALY has the following GPS receivers: GPS, DGPS, P-Code GPS, and 3-D GPS. Heading inputs include two gyrocompasses and the 3-D GPS heading information. The ship is also outfitted with an electronic magnetic compass. A Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) is available for station keeping and slow speed transits (towing, dredging). HEALY's DPS attempts to do with props and a bowthruster what smaller ships do with fore and aft thrusters, so it has limitations. It was designed and built by ALSTOM and integrates the use of propellers, rudders, and the bow thruster to accomplish ship movement. DPS Limitations: At best heading in openwater, in a 20 kt wind, seas with a significant wave height of 4.0 feet and a 1 knot currents, HEALY shall be capable of maintaining a position of +/- 150 feet or 3% of water depth (whichever is greater) from a point or trackline and maintain a heading of +/- 5 degrees. The seas and wind shall be from the same direction, with the current from less the 45 degrees off the wind. Antenna Layout Top View PDF GPS
Cruise track from the USCGC Healy HLY1401 cruise in the Chukchi Sea during 2014 (SUBICE project)Navigation Equipment HEALY is outfitted with Sperry Marine's Voyage Management System (VMS). This system utilizes multiple heading, position, environmental, and navigation inputs to steer the ship along a desired course. Currently, HEALY has the following GPS receivers: GPS, DGPS, P-Code GPS, and 3-D GPS. Heading inputs include two gyrocompasses and the 3-D GPS heading information. The ship is also outfitted with an electronic magnetic compass. A Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) is available for station keeping and slow speed transits (towing, dredging). HEALY's DPS attempts to do with props and a bowthruster what smaller ships do with fore and aft thrusters, so it has limitations. It was designed and built by ALSTOM and integrates the use of propellers, rudders, and the bow thruster to accomplish ship movement. DPS Limitations: At best heading in openwater, in a 20 kt wind, seas with a significant wave height of 4.0 feet and a 1 knot currents, HEALY shall be capable of maintaining a position of +/- 150 feet or 3% of water depth (whichever is greater) from a point or trackline and maintain a heading of +/- 5 degrees. The seas and wind shall be from the same direction, with the current from less the 45 degrees off the wind. Antenna Layout Top View PDF GPS
Cruise track from the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project)This data set was acquired with a ship-based Navigation system Trimble GPS - PCODE
Cruise Track from R/V Hugh R. Sharp HRS070714AB in the Chesapeake Bay from July 2007 (Assessing Roseobacter activities project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise track position data from USCGC Healy cruise HLY1202 from the Arctic, North of Alaska in 2012 (OA - Canada Basin project)Navigation Equipment HEALY is outfitted with Sperry Marine's Voyage Management System (VMS). This system utilizes multiple heading, position, environmental, and navigation inputs to steer the ship along a desired course. Currently, HEALY has the following GPS receivers: GPS, DGPS, P-Code GPS, and 3-D GPS. Heading inputs include two gyrocompasses and the 3-D GPS heading information. The ship is also outfitted with an electronic magnetic compass. A Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) is available for station keeping and slow speed transits (towing, dredging). HEALY's DPS attempts to do with props and a bowthruster what smaller ships do with fore and aft thrusters, so it has limitations. It was designed and built by ALSTOM and integrates the use of propellers, rudders, and the bow thruster to accomplish ship movement. DPS Limitations: At best heading in openwater, in a 20 kt wind, seas with a significant wave height of 4.0 feet and a 1 knot currents, HEALY shall be capable of maintaining a position of +/- 150 feet or 3% of water depth (whichever is greater) from a point or trackline and maintain a heading of +/- 5 degrees. The seas and wind shall be from the same direction, with the current from less the 45 degrees off the wind. Antenna Layout Top View PDF GPS
Cruise track data from ship's underway data acquisition system collected during R/V Atlantis cruise AT18-14 in the Eastern Mediterranean; 35.3 N 21.7 E in 2011 (DHAB Metazoans project)Global Positioning System Receivers
Cruise track position data from R/V Melville cruise MV1310 in the North Pacific Gulf of Alaska; 48N to 59N and 129W to 153W in 2013 (North Pacific RDOC project)GPS
C-MORE cruise tracks from R/V Kilo Moana and R/V Ka`imikai-O-Kanaloa cruises from 2007-2011 (C-MORE project)Global Positioning System
Cruise track position data from R/V Oden cruise ASCOS2008 from the High Arctic Ocean in 2008 (87degs N, 1-6degs E) (Marine Microgels project)Global Positioning System Receivers
Cruise track from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project)Furuno GPS Receiver (model unknown) Global Positioning System
Cruise track position data from R/V Thomas G. Thompson cruise TN210 in the Gulf of Alaska, North Pacific in 2007 (Northern Gulf of Alaska Phytoplankton project)R/V Thomas G. Thompson Navigation System R/V Thomas G. Thompson Navigation System
Cruise track data from ship's underway data acquisition system from R/V Oceanus cruises OC455, OC461 South of Martha's Vineyard, MA, USA to 39 31.7N, 70 33.1W, 2009-2010 (Foram Dispersal project)Global Positioning System Receivers
One-minute navigation points from R/V Cape Hatteras CH0912 in the Blake Ridge, Cape Fear Diapir from 2012-2012 (SEEPC project)GPS
Control point navigation points for Endeavor cruise 531 from R/V Endeavor EN531 in the Blake Ridge, Cape Fear Diapir from August 2013 (SEEPC project)GPS
Cruise track from the R/V Hugh R. Sharp HRS1314 cruise in the Chesapeake Bay and coastal Atlantic Ocean during 2013 (Soluble ManganeseIII project)GPS GPS
Cruise track position data from R2R navigation product from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project)GPS
Cruise track position data from ship underway sampling system from R/V Hugh R. Sharp cruise HRS100808BW in 2010 (Marine Nitrogen Cycling by Stable Isotope Probing project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE0912 in the BATS site from June 2009 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE0914 in the BATS site from June 2009 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track for cruise AE0923 from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE0923 in the BATS site from October 2009 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track data from the R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1004 cruise from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-Series, Hydrostation S in 2010 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1012 in the BATS site from May 2010 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1103 in the BATS site from March 2011 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1114 in the BATS site from June 2011 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1126 in the BATS site from November 2011 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1215 in the BATS site from June 2012 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1224 in the BATS site from September 2012 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1314 in the BATS site from June 2013 (Ocean Microbial Observatory project)GPS
Cruise track of AT21-02 from R/V Atlantis AT21-02 in the Barbados seeps, Intra-American Sea from June 2012 (SEEPC project)GPS
Cruise Track Navigation from R/V Oceanus OC476-01cruise from the Nova Scotian continental slope waters; Cape Hatteras margin slope waters (Carbon Export project)GPS
Cruise track of R/V Pelican PE14-11 in the Blake Ridge, Cape Fear Diapir, Nov. 2014 (SEEPC project)GPS
Cruise tracks from R/V Blue Heron BH10-01, BH10-06, BH10-13, BH10-22, BH09-SINC1 in the Lake Superior from 2009 to 2010 (SINC project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise track position data from cruises MV1101 and RR1202 (Great Calcite Belt project)GPS
Cruise track position data from R/V Oceanus cruises OC399-03, OC408-01, OC408-02 from the Northwestern Sargasso Sea roughly 35-28N and 58-68W, water depths always exceeded 4200m; 2004-2005 (NP project)R/V OCEANUS - Scientific Equipment/Navigation Equipment The Primary GPS source is currently the Furuno GP1850-WD GPS.   Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise tracks from R/V Cape Hatteras and R/V New Horizon multiple cruises on the Louisiana Shelf (hypoxic zone) and Gulf of Mexico (ETNP oxygen minimum zone) from 2012 to 2014 (OMZ_Sulfur_Cycling project)GPS GPS
Cruise Track from R/V Blue Heron BH07-09, BH07-17, BH07-19, BH08-01, BH08-11, BH08-19 in the Lake Superior from 2007-2008 (CARGO project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise tracks from the R/V Kilo Moana KM1407, KM1418, KM1506 cruises in the central North Pacific, Station ALOHA from 2014-2015 (SuspendSinkPart project)GPS
Cruise Tracks from R/V Oceanus, R/V Islandia OC449-03, OC449-02,and ISL0109 in the Eastern Atlantic and Indian Oceans and TENATSO (Tropical Eastern North Atlantic Time-Series Observatory) station from 2008 to 2009 (SIRENA project)R/V OCEANUS - Scientific Equipment/Navigation Equipment The Primary GPS source is currently the Furuno GP1850-WD GPS.   Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise track position data from cruises NH1008, NH1307 in Monterey Bay, near MBARI buoy M1 (36.747?N, 122.022?W), Southern California Bight 33?N 118?W; 2010 and 2013 (GATEKEEPERS project)GPS
Cruise tracks from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer cruises NBP1310B and NBP1409 in the Ross Sea, Western Antarctic Peninsula, Antarctic, Antarctic Peninsula from 2013 to 2014 (PHANTASTIC project)This data set was acquired with a ship-based Navigation system GPS
Cruise tracks from R/V Blue Heron cruises BH09-05, BH09-12, BH10-03, BH10-14 on Lake Superior; 2009-2010 (Lake Superior Radiocarbon project)Navigation equipment available aboard the R/V Blue Heron   a. Northstar 800 LORAN   b. Two Furuno MFD8 GPS   c. Furuno NavNet 3D radar, 12kw transmitter   d. Furuno NavNet 3D radar 6kw transmitter   e. Robertson AP45 Autopilot   f. Furuno SC110 Satellite Compass   g. TSS POS-MV Motion Referencing Unit   h. AIS system and Furuno GPS Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise tracks from USCGC Healy HLY1003, HLY1103, HLY1203, HLY1303 in the Bering, Beaufort and Chukchi seas from 2010 to 2013 (OA - Western Arctic project)Navigation Equipment HEALY is outfitted with Sperry Marine's Voyage Management System (VMS). This system utilizes multiple heading, position, environmental, and navigation inputs to steer the ship along a desired course. Currently, HEALY has the following GPS receivers: GPS, DGPS, P-Code GPS, and 3-D GPS. Heading inputs include two gyrocompasses and the 3-D GPS heading information. The ship is also outfitted with an electronic magnetic compass. A Dynamic Positioning System (DPS) is available for station keeping and slow speed transits (towing, dredging). HEALY's DPS attempts to do with props and a bowthruster what smaller ships do with fore and aft thrusters, so it has limitations. It was designed and built by ALSTOM and integrates the use of propellers, rudders, and the bow thruster to accomplish ship movement. DPS Limitations: At best heading in openwater, in a 20 kt wind, seas with a significant wave height of 4.0 feet and a 1 knot currents, HEALY shall be capable of maintaining a position of +/- 150 feet or 3% of water depth (whichever is greater) from a point or trackline and maintain a heading of +/- 5 degrees. The seas and wind shall be from the same direction, with the current from less the 45 degrees off the wind. Antenna Layout Top View PDF GPS
Cruise tracks for the CROCKS_II and HROCKS projects from R/V Atlantis AT15-44, AT15-59, AT15-68, AT18-10 in the Pacific, off Costa Rica and USA from 2009-2011 (Seep Carbonate Ecology CROCKS II project)Global Positioning System Receiver
CTD profile data from 2014-2015 R/V C-HAWK MuLTI-2 project cruises in the Gulf of Maine, Coastal eastern Maine, from Frenchman Bay to the Canadian borderYSI Castaway CTD with internal GPS sensor YSI Castaway CTD
CTD stations in coastal eastern Maine between June 2014 and August 2015 (MuLTI-2 project)YSI Castaway CTD with internal GPS sensor YSi Castaway CTD
Event log from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1319 in the NW Atlantic from Aug-Sept. 2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project)GPS
Eelgrass disease metrics from ecological field surveys along the eastern Pacific coast in June through August of 2019, 2020, and 2021.Transect locations were recorded using a hand-held GPS (exact model varied between field locations). handheld GPS
Eelgrass shoot density measurements taken during ecological field surveys along the eastern Pacific coast in June through August of 2019, 2020, and 2021. Transect locations were recorded using a hand-held GPS (exact model varied between field locations). handheld GPS
Eelgrass shoot metrics from ecological field surveys in six regions along the eastern Pacific coast in June through August of 2019, 2020, and 2021. Transect locations were recorded using a hand-held GPS (exact model varied between field locations). hand-held GPS
Scientific sampling event log from R/V Oceanus OC476-01 from the Nova Scotian continental slope waters; Cape Hatteras margin slope waters (Carbon Export project)The R2R event logger system records lat/lon/time directly from the vessel navigation system via the ship's local network. GPS
Event log from R/V Atlantic Explorer AE1319 in the NW Atlantic from Aug-Sept. 2013 (Biological C:N:P ratios project)GPS
CTD station list from R/V C-HAWK in the coastal waters, Gulf of Maine from 2015-2016 (GOMEPRO project)YSI Castaway CTD with internal GPS sensor YSi Castaway CTD
Cruise track along the US GEOTRACES East Pacific Zonal Transect from the R/V Thomas G. Thompson TN303 cruise in the tropical Pacific from Peru to Tahiti during 2013 (U.S. GEOTRACES EPZT project)GPS
GPS coordinates for survey sites in Sitka Sound and Torch Bay, Alaska from 2003 to 2019 (High latitude kelp dynamics project)GPS coordinates were take using a handheld GPS unit (2018 data with Garmin Legend, other years unspecified) hand-held GPS
Cruise tracks along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN199-04, KN199-05 cruises in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2010 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)R/V KNORR - Scientific Equipment/Navigation Equipment   Complete NMEA data output from the switched GPS receiver (C-Nav, GP1850, GP-90D). Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise tracks along the US GEOTRACES North Atlantic Transect from the R/V Knorr KN204-01 cruise in the subtropical N. Atlantic during 2011 (U.S. GEOTRACES NAT project)R/V KNORR - Scientific Equipment/Navigation Equipment   Complete NMEA data output from the switched GPS receiver (C-Nav, GP1850, GP-90D).   Global Positioning System Receiver
HADES-K and HADES-M cruise track position data from cruises TN309, FK141109 from the Kermadec Trench adjacent to New Zealand and Mariana Trench adjacent to Guam; 2014 (HADES project)GPS
Counts of Henricia sp. adults and recruits in quadrats, north-central California coast: Andrew Molean State Park to Manchester State Park from 2005-2014 (CHIPS project)GPS
Cruise track from R/V Kilo Moana KM1513 (HOE-LEGACY 2A ) near Hawaii (22.75 N, 158 W) from July to August 2015 (C-MORE project, SCOPE project)GPS GPS
Sample HPLC pigments from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project)Trimble GPS - PCODE
Underway HPLC pigments from the RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1302 cruise in the Ross Sea during 2013 (TRACERS project)Trimble GPS - PCODE
Counts of organisms recorded during emergent and rapid emergent surveys conducted in the subtidal zone of northern California, Sonoma and Mendocino counties, from 1999 to 2023Handheld GPS (WGS84 datum)
CTD data from gliders on the R/V Savannah in the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) continental shelf off Long Bay (-79W, 32N; -77W, 34 N) collected from January to April 2012 (Long Bay Wintertime Bloom project)GPS is a component of the Slocum glider used for this dataset. GPS
Time series of dissolved oxygen measured on an undulating glider collected from the South Atlantic Bight (SAB) cruises along the continental shelf off Long Bay from January to April in 2012 (Long Bay Wintertime Bloom project)GPS is a component of the Slocum glider used for this dataset. GPS
Cruise track from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG0102 from February - March 2001 (Antarctic Inverts project)
Cruise track for LMG0414 from ARSV Laurence M. Gouldm November - December 2004 (Antarctic Inverts project)
Cruise track from ARSV Laurence M. Gould LMG1312 in the West Antarctic Peninsula Shelf from November to December 2013 (Antarctic Inverts project)
Results of proteomic analysis on diatom response to allelopathy from red tide dinoflagellate (Karenia brevis)GPS
Cross shelf undulating towed vehicle (Acrobat with MIDAS) survey data from R/V Pelican PE08-54, PE10-01, PE09-12 in the Northwest Florida shelf off Panama City, FL. from 2008-2009 (BenDiM project)Starlink differential GPS or a Trimble GPS with a Micronet Receiver Station. The Micronet Receiver Station is a land based differential system privately maintained (provided for LUMCON's use by Doug Chocrane Technologies, Lafayette, Louisiana) with sub 5-meter accuracy and available out to 300 miles in the Gulf of Mexico. Global Positioning System Receiver
Cruise track from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1201 in the Ross Sea from 2011-2012 (PRISM-RS project)GPS
Underway data from R/V New Horizon NH1208 in the transect between 35 and 50N along CLIVAR line P17N from 2012-2012 (OAPS project)Model: GP90D    Serial: ??    MFG: Furuno Location: Chart Room    Owner: New Horizon   Global Positioning System Receiver
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from R/V Oceanus OC473 in the western North Atlantic, 35-50 degrees North in 2011 (OAPS project)The Furuno GP-1850W (primary GPS) and Furuno GP-90D receivers are the navigation devices for the ship. All GPS units are located on the bridge and are operated by the ship’s watch officer. Typical data provided are Time, Position, Velocity, Course-Over-Ground and Speed-Over-Ground. Heading and altitude from Ashtech GPS. Global Positioning System Receiver
Seasonal data on productivity, characteristics, and community composition of tidepools on the California coast from 2017 to 2018Garmin eTrex handheld GPS unit
Tidepool attributes by date and ecological survey data from seasonal surveys conducted at tidepools along the California coast from 2017 to 2018Garmin eTrex handheld GPS
Counts of seastars and chiton in quadrats and swaths, north-central California coast: Andrew Molean State Park to Manchester State Park from 2005-2014 (CHIPS project)GPS
Shipboard Standard Underway from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1005 in the Amundsen Sea, South Pacific Sector of Antarctica, Southern Ocean 73 S 115 W from 2010-2011 (ASPIRE project)This data set was acquired with a ship-based Navigation system GPS
Lengths of organisms recorded during emergent and rapid emergent surveys conducted in the subtidal zone of northern California, Sonoma and Mendocino counties, from 1999 to 2023Handheld GPS (WGS84 datum)
Percent coverage along a transect or subsample of each of four substrate types recorded during emergent and rapid emergent surveys conducted in the subtidal zone of northern California, Sonoma and Mendocino counties, from 1999 to 2023Handheld GPS (WGS84 datum)
Sponge community survey site descriptions on Caribbean coral reefs, 2008-2012 (Sponge Chem Ecology project)
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI668, full water-column to the Wilkinson Basin, Gulf of Maine, May 2013 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project, GoME OA Pteropods project)GPS
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI700 to the Gulf of Maine, August 2013 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project)GPS
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI715 to the Gulf of Maine, October 2013 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project)GPS
Alongtrack data from R/V Tioga TI725 in the Gulf of Maine from January 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project)GPS
Alongtrack data from R/V Tioga TI729 in the Gulf of Maine from January 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project)GPS
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI746 to the Gulf of Maine, April 2014 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project)GPS
Characteristics of tidepools from seasonal surveys conducted at tidepools along the California coast from 2017 to 2018Garmin eTrex handheld GPS
Underway data from R/V Atlantis AT26-15 in the Gulf of Mexico from May 2014 (SEEPC project)Starboard Vaisala GPS
Underway data from cruise R/V Endeavor EN531 in the Blake Ridge, Cape Fear Diapir from Aug. 2013 (SEEPC project)Trimble differential GPS GPS
Underway data from cruise Atlantis 2101 from R/V Oceanus OC471-02 in the Blake Ridge, Cape Fear Diapir from August 2011 (SEEPC project)GPS
Filtered, hourly underway data from shipboard acquisition system from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project)Global Positioning System Receiver
Unfiltered underway data from shipboard acquisition system from R/V Knorr KN197-08 in the Amazon River plume; NE coast of South America from May to June 2010 (ANACONDAS project)C-Nav; GP1850; GP-90D Global Positioning System Receiver
Underway navigation, 10 minute fixes from the R/V Kilo Moana KM0701 cruise in the South Pacific during 2007 (WP2 project)POS/MV System href="">See: Formats_of_data_2007.pdf Global Positioning System Receiver
Underway navigation, 5 minute fixes from the R/V Kilo Moana KM0701 cruise in the South Pacific during 2007 (WP2 project)POS/MV System href="">See: Formats_of_data_2007.pdf Global Positioning System Receiver
Underway pCO2, dissolved oxygen concentrations, and fluxes from RVIB Nathaniel B. Palmer NBP1005 in the Amundsen Sea, Southern Ocean from 2010-2011 (ASPIRE project)This data set was acquired with a ship-based Navigation system GPS
Underway MET data collected on multiple GLOBEC Long Term Observation Program (LTOP) cruises aboard R/V Wecoma in the Northeast Pacific from 1999-2003GPS - Northstar 951XDW receiver in the pilothouse and a remote display in the Dry Lab. GPS 'P-Code' Receiver - Trimble Tasman. Global Positioning System Receiver
Underway MET data collected on the GLOBEC LTOP cruise NH0307A aboard R/V New Horizon in the Northeast Pacific in 2003Ashtech ADU2-1. Global Positioning System Receiver
Sea urchin frequency and diameters as surveyed in Sitka Sound and Torch Bay, AlaskaGPS coordinates were take using a handheld GPS unit (2018 data with Garmin Legend, other years unspecified) hand-held GPS
Water column data collected during Dataflow cruises in the lower York River Estuary, VA during and following two successive harmful algal bloomsThe pCO2-DataFlow system is instrumented with a pCO2 analyzer, a multi-parameter datasonde (YSI 6600V2), Wet Labs CDOM sensor, Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S), and data acquisition system. Garmin GPS MAP 546S
Distance-weighted data flow averages interpolated over 24-hours for the York River estuary in 2018 and 2019The pCO₂-DataFlow system is instrumented with a pCO₂ analyzer, a multi-parameter datasonde (YSI 6600V2), Wet Labs CDOM sensor, Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S), and data acquisition system. Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S)
Distance-weighted data flow averages for the York River estuary in 2018 and 2019The pCO₂-DataFlow system is instrumented with a pCO₂ analyzer, a multi-parameter datasonde (YSI 6600V2), Wet Labs CDOM sensor, Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S), and data acquisition system. Garmin global positioning system (GPS MAP 546S)