Instrument: LI-COR LI-840 NDIR Gas Analyzer

Acronym: LI-COR LI-840
External Identifier: skos:broadMatch:


The LI-COR LI-840 is specifically designed for continuous monitoring of CO2 and H2O over a wide range of environmental conditions. The LI-840 is an absolute, non-dispersive, infrared (NDIR) gas analyzer based on a single, interchangeable optical path, and a dual wavelength infrared detection system.

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Surface underway pCO2 from NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown cruise RB-08-02 in the Southwest Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean near South Georgia Island in 2008 (SO_GasEx project)Wet equilibrator effluent was delivered to a custom pCO2 analyzer unit centered on a LICOR LI840 NDIR unit. The NDIR unit vented directly to the room atmosphere. LICOR LI840 NDIR Gas Analyzer
1A: Partitioning of carbon as a function of pCO2 and temperature during growth of Thalassiosira weissflogii from UCSB Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project)Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was measured on a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer. NDIR Gas Analyzer
2A: Partitioning of carbon as a function of pCO2 and temperature during growth of Dactyliosolen fragilissimus from U.C. Santa Barbara Marine Science Institute Passow Lab from 2009 to 2010 (OA - Effects of High CO2 project)Dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) was measured on a non-dispersive infrared (NDIR) analyzer. NDIR Gas Analyzer
Underway shipboard flow-through data collected from continuously flowing uncontaminated seawater on several R/V Gulf Challenger cruises in Casco Bay, Gulf of Maine from 2008-2012After drying, the sample was pumped to a non-dispersive infrared gas analyzer (Li-cor, LI-6262 or LI-840), which measured the molar fraction of carbon dioxide (xCO2) of the sample stream. LI-COR LI-840
Water column data collected during Dataflow cruises in the lower York River Estuary, VA during and following two successive harmful algal bloomspCO2 in the equilibration chamber is determined by recirculating a carrier gas at a flow of approximately 1.5 L min-1 through the equilibrator chamber and a nondispersive infrared absorbance detection analyzer (LI-COR, LI-840). LI-COR, LI-840