No relevant match in BCO-DMO instrument vocabulary.
Dataset Name | PI-Supplied Description | PI-Supplied Name |
Table 1: Experimental conditions and fluid carbonate chemistry for RPI-3 run where only aragonite precipitated | Custom designed pressure chamber used to simulate the high-pressure conditions at the seafloor for this set of experiments.(designed at Rensselaer Polytech Institute, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) | high-pressure apparatus |
Measured and calculated geochemistry values and uncertainty for water samples taken from the water column of Celestun Lagoon, Yucatan, Mexico in May of 2015 | UIC Carbon Coulometer Analyzer. | |
Multi-angle laser light scattering data of colloidal matter in field samples from the outer reaches of the Damariscotta River Estuary, Maine collected between October of 2017 and July of 2018. | PostNova Flow Field Flow Fractionation Instrument equipped with UV detection and coupled to a PostNova Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering (MALLS) detector, with collection at angles 35°, 50°, 75°, 90°, 105°, 130°, and 145°. | PostNova Flow Field Flow Fractionation Instrument |
Processed eddy covariance measurements from three lander deployments during R/V Oceanus cruises OC1802B and OC1901A along the Oregon shelf in 2018 and 2019. | A new fiber-optic sensor was installed for each EC experiment, and it was calibrated in seawater solutions at 0 and 100% air saturation using FirestingO2 software, before and after each deployment. When processing EC data records the specific Firesting “pre” and “post” calibration parameters were applied with time-series inputs of temperature, salinity and pressure to convert the sensor measurements to two parallel O2 time-series in units of mmol L-1. Because it was observed that the fiber-optic sensor calibrations shifted gradually over time, independent reference measurements (from OOI data products or ship-based casts) were used to derive corrected fiber-optic time-series based on the fractions of pre- and post- calibration series needed to align with the reference measurements. For each deployment, four reference points were assigned, with calibration proportions extrapolated in between each reference point. Not surprisingly, these fractions shifted from mostly dependent on the “pre” calibration to dominantly the “post” calibration over the course of each deployment. Adjustments in mean concentration were generally about 10%. | |
Table 2. Elemental ratios and partition coefficients for CaCO3 in deepsea conditions: Mg, S, Sr, and Ba between crystallized solids and fluid. | Custom designed pressure chamber used to simulate the high-pressure conditions at the seafloor for this set of experiments (designed at Rensselaer Polytech Institute, Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences). | high-pressure apparatus |