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Instrument: Alvin Slurp Sampler
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Small and large capacity vacuum pump samplers. May have single or multiple chambers. See http://www.whoi.edu/main/alvin/subsystems/optional-scientific-samplers
The HFPS pumps vent fluid through a titanium intake nozzle and measures the temperature of the fluid just inside the nozzle and at a second point inside the titanium/Teflon fluid line near the sample containers. Sample containers are either collapsible plastic bags (with valves) within rigid housings, or PVC piston samplers with Teflon spring seals. Teflon check valves prevent the samples from leaking out or being drawn out of the containers. The HFPS was configured to collect 14 discrete fluid samples of up to 800 ml volume each, with the option of filtering eight of those samples. In addition, nine separate filters can concentrate particles from fluids of known temperature by in situ filtration, allowing us to collect and analyze minerals or microbes by a number of techniques. Two additional titanium gas-tight samplers are connected to the HFPS fluid line to collect samples of known temperature.