Instrument: Sea-Bird SBE 48 Hull Temperature Sensor

Acronym: SBE 48
External Identifier: skos:broadMatch:


The SBE 48 is a high-accuracy temperature recorder with non-volatile memory, designed for shipboard determination of sea surface temperature. Installed with magnets just below the water line, the SBE 48's temperature sensor is in contact with the inside of the ship's hull. For more information, see the SBE48 Manual.

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-01 in the southern tip of Nova Scotia to Bermuda in 2012 (SargassoSeaLipids project)Hull Temperature Sensor; magnetically coupled SBE48 to measure sea surface temperature through the hull. Sensor is located in the bow chamber outboard of the UCSW pump, a few feet aft of the UCSW intake. Sensor housing is contained in an insulation jacket to limit the effect of ambient bow chamber air. SBE 48 Hull Temperature Sensor
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from R/V Knorr cruise KN207-03 in the North Atlantic (transect from Ponta Delgada, Azores to Reykjavik, Iceland) in 2012 (NA-VICE project)Hull Temperature Sensor; magnetically coupled SBE48 to measure sea surface temperature through the hull. Sensor is located in the bow chamber outboard of the UCSW pump, a few feet aft of the UCSW intake. Sensor housing is contained in an insulation jacket to limit the effect of ambient bow chamber air. SBE 48 Hull Temperature Sensor
Alongtrack data collected continuously by the ship's underway acquisition system from R/V Oceanus OC473 in the western North Atlantic, 35-50 degrees North in 2011 (OAPS project)Hull Temperature Sensor; magnetically coupled SBE48 to measure sea surface temperature (C) through the hull. Sensor is located in the bow. Sensor housing is contained in an insulation jacket to limit effect of ambient bow chamber air. SBE 48 Hull Temperature Sensor
Alongtrack data from RV/Tioga cruise TI668, full water-column to the Wilkinson Basin, Gulf of Maine, May 2013 (Gulf of Maine Pteropods project, GoME OA Pteropods project)SBE48
Underway data from R/V Atlantis AT26-15 in the Gulf of Mexico from May 2014 (SEEPC project)SBE48
Underway data from cruise Atlantis 2101 from R/V Oceanus OC471-02 in the Blake Ridge, Cape Fear Diapir from August 2011 (SEEPC project)SBE48
Particulate chlorophyll data set from samples collected using ship’s surface underway system taken on board of the R/V Oceanus OC1701A, OC1611B, OC1603B, OC1602A, OC1601A in the Oregon Coast (47-43 N, 126-124 W) from 2016 to 2017Surface water temperature was measured outside  the ship by a hull-mounted (3 m) sensor (SBE 48).
Particulate organic matter data set from samples collected using ship’s surface underway system taken on board of the R/V Oceanus OC1701A, OC1611B, OC1603B, OC1602A, OC1601A in the Oregon Coast (47-43 N, 126-124 W) from 2016 to 2017.Surface water temperature was measured outside  the ship by a hull-mounted (3 m) sensor (SBE 48). SBE 48