Instrument: In Situ Ichtyoplankton Imaging System

Acronym: ISIIS
External Identifier:


The In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS) is an underwater imaging system aimed at capturing in situ, real time images of marine zooplankton of relatively low abundance such as fish larvae and fragile gelatinous organisms. The first prototype, delivered in 2007, was attached to a relatively simple vehicle towed by an oceanographic vessel at a speed of five knots. The vehicle, and associated imaging system and sensors, was moved up and down through the water column by paying cable in and out via an oceanographic winch. Subsequently, a new vehicle has been designed with the capacity of self undulation using motor actuated dive fins. 

The ISIIS system utilizes a high-resolution line-scanning camera with a Light Emitting Diode (LED) light source, modified by plano-convex optics, to create a collimated light field to back-light a parcel of water.

ISIIS was developed in collaboration between the University of Miami's Rosenstiel School of Atmospheric and Marine Science (RSMAS) and the subsea engineering company, Bellamare, LLC, located in San Diego CA. See complete description from RSMAS.

Cowen RK and Guigand CM. 2008. In situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS): system design and preliminary results. Limnol. Oceanogr. Methods. 6:126-132. doi:10.4319/lom.2008.6.126

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Synthesis of doliolid imagery and oceanographic data from six ecosystems collected from multiple research cruises conducted between 2010 and 2019In situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS), which includes a camera system with a 13 centimeter (cm) field of view and 50 cm depth of field. The camera scans approximately 35,000 pixel (px) lines per second, producing a continuous strip of imaged ocean water that is parsed by acquisition software into 2048 px by 2048 px images (~17 Hz). The instrument is equipped with various oceanographic sensors, including conductivity, temperature, depth (SBE 49, Seabird Electronics), chlorophyll-a fluorescence (ECO FL-RT), and dissolved oxygen (SBE 43) to measure oceanographic conditions associated with each image. In situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS)
Physical data collected by towed plankton imaging system in a subtropical, pelagic environment from R/V F.G. Walton Smith cruises WS1406 and WS15161 in the Straits of Florida from 2014-2015 (OSTRICH project)The In Situ Ichthyoplankton Imaging System (ISIIS) is a high resolution imaging system designed to image sufficient volumes of water to accurately quantify rare meso- and macroplankton such as fish and crab larvae, and also associated plankters (e.g., ctenophores, larvaceans, euphausiids, chaetognaths, hydrozoans, scyphozoans, pteropods, copepods) in situ (Cowen & Guigand 2008). An additional, finer scale imaging system has been added to the current system (ISIIS-2) and is capable of imaging up to 140 L s-1, with pixel resolution of 45-68 µm. This yields particle resolution down to ~ 450 µm, adding considerable breadth to the full size range of organisms that can be detected and enumerated. The ISIIS is also instrumented with a set of environmental sensors including: Seabird CTD (SBE 49), Biospherical PAR (QCP2300), Seabird dissolved O2 (SBE 43), and Wet Labs Fluorometer (ECO). All data are passed via fiber optic cable to an onboard computer, time-stamped for cross-referencing, and saved on a high-speed disk array. Oxygen data from 2014 were excluded as they were found to be outside the calibrated range of the sensor. ISIIS
Environmental sensor data from an underwater imaging system (ISIIS-3) collected during R/V Langseth cruise MGL2207 July 20-28 2022 and R/V Sally Ride cruise SR2317 August 10-20 2023 in the Northern California CurrentInstrumentation associated wth ISIIS-3 are listed in the "Instruments" section of this dataset page except: Two linescan cameras (55 µm/pixel resolution, Bellamare ISIIS-DPI) **imagery data is not associated with this dataset "ISIIS Environmental Data"