Metrohm 705 UV Digester - To measure total dCo concentrations, filtered seawater samples were first UV-irradiated in quartz tubes for one hour in a Metrohm 705 UV Digester to destroy natural ligand-bound Co complexes.
For total dissolved Co (dCo) analysis, 0.2 um filtered water samples were UV-irradiated in acid-washed quartz tubes for one hour using a water-cooled UV irradiation system (Metrohm 705 UV Digestor) to destroy natural ligand-bound Co complexes.
For total dissolved Co (dCo) analysis, 0.2 um filtered water samples were UV-irradiated in acid-washed quartz tubes for one hour using a water-cooled UV irradiation system (Metrohm 705 UV Digestor) to destroy natural ligand-bound Co complexes.