Instrument: benthic incubation chamber

External Identifier: skos:closeMatch:


A device that isolates a portion of seabed plus overlying water from its surroundings. Either returns the entire system to the surface or incorporates sampling devices and/or in-situ sensors.

Dataset NamePI-Supplied DescriptionPI-Supplied Name
Benthic fluxes of solutes measured by in-situ benthic flux chambers along two depth transects in the Santa Barbara Basin during November 219The three in-situ benthic flux chambers (BFC) each consisted of a frame equipped with a cylindrical polycarbonate chamber (inner diameter = 19 cm) with its lower portion sticking out of the frame. The upper side of the chamber was closed by a lid containing a stirrer, oxygen optodes, a conductivity sensor, and a valve for water to escape when the chamber is inserted into the sediments. Chamber incubations lasted between 240 and 390 minutes. benthic flux chambers (BFC)
In situ dissolved oxygen of experimental chambers and ambient sensors acquired in the shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA between August 7-12, 2021This project used a custom built field deployable benthic chamber system. Construction and functioning of the system are outlined in Gadeken et al 2023 L&O:Methods.
Processed dissolved oxygen and infauna of experimental chambers and ambient sensors acquired in the shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA between August 7-12, 2021This project used a custom built field deployable benthic chamber system. Construction and functioning of the system are outlined in Gadeken et al 2023 L&O:Methods.
In situ infauna abundance and biomass of experimental sediment chambers acquired in the shallow subtidal shore-accessible site in Bon Secour Bay, Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA between August 7-12, 2021This project used a custom built field deployable benthic chamber system. Construction and functioning of the system are outlined in Gadeken et al 2023 L&O:Methods.